On 8/16/06, Nils Wagner <nwagner@iam.uni-stuttgart.de> wrote:
Keith Goodman wrote:
On 8/15/06, David Grant <davidgrant@gmail.com> wrote:
My idea is (if I have time) to write an eigs-like function in python that will only perform a subset of what Matlab's eigs does for. It will, for example, compute a certain number of eigenvalues and eigenvectors for a real, sparse, symmetric matrix (the case I'm interested in)
AFAIK, pysparse (in the sandbox) includes a module that implements a Jacobi-Davidson eigenvalue solver for the symmetric, generalised matrix eigenvalue problem (JDSYM). Did someone test pysparse ?
I did try pysparse a few years ago (I think right before sparse stuff came
into scipy). I think there is probably an old post asking the list about sparse stuff and I think Travis had just written it and told me about it... can't remember. Can JDSYM just return the k lowest eigenvalues/eigenvectors? -- David Grant http://www.davidgrant.ca