One list has 6 entries and one has 7, so they can't be aligned into a single array. Possibly it would be better to raise an error here instead of returning an object array, but that's what's going on.


On 9 Sep 2013 14:49, "Chad Kidder" <> wrote:
I'm trying to enter a 2-D array and np.array() is returning a 1-D array of lists.  I'm using Python (x,y) on Windows 7 with numpy 1.7.1.  Here's the code that is giving me issues.

>>> f1 = [[15.207, 15.266, 15.181, 15.189, 15.215, 15.198], [-45, -57, -62, -70, -72, -73.5, -77]]
>>> f1a = np.array(f1)
>>> f1a
array([[15.207, 15.266, 15.181, 15.189, 15.215, 15.198],
       [-45, -57, -62, -70, -72, -73.5, -77]], dtype=object)

What am I missing?

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