On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 2:31 AM, Andreas Hilboll <lists@hilboll.de> wrote:
I commonly have to deal with legacy ASCII files, which don't have a constant number of columns. The standard is 10 values per row, but sometimes, there are less columns. loadtxt doesn't support this, and in genfromtext, the rows which have less than 10 values are excluded from the resulting array.
Is there any way around this?
the trick is: what does it mean when there are fewer values in a row? There is no way to universally define that.
Anyway, I'd just punt on using a standard ascii file reader, in the time it took to write this question, you'd be halfway to writing a custom file parser -- it's really easy in Python, at least if you don't need absolutely top performance (which loadtext and genfromtext doen't give you anyway)
Actually, that's just what I did before writing this question ;) I was just wondering if there were some solution available which I didn't know about. Cheers, Andreas.