On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 8:18 PM, Gökhan SEVER <gokhansever@gmail.com> wrote:
Yes Pierre,
I like this one line of elegances in Python a lot. I was thinking that the answer lies in somewhere in masked array operations, but I proved wrong.
Thanks for your input on this small riddle.
Here is another way of doing that. (That's what I thought of initially and what Matthias Michler responded on matplotlib mailing list.)
mask = zeros(len(a), dtype=bool) for index in xrange(len(a)): # run through array a if a[index] in b: mask[index] = True
Ending with a quote about Pythonicness :)
"...that something is Pythonic when it has a sense of quality, simplicity, clarity and elegance about it."
On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 4:49 PM, Pierre GM <pgmdevlist@gmail.com> wrote:
On Apr 22, 2009, at 5:21 PM, Gökhan SEVER wrote:
Could you please give me some hints about how to mask an array using another arrays like in the following example.
What about that ? numpy.logical_or.reduce([a==i for i in b])
I prefer broad casting to list comprehension in numpy:
a = np.arange(5) b = np.array([2,3])
(a[:,np.newaxis]==b).any(1) array([False, False, True, True, False], dtype=bool)