thanks for your extensive feedback. if i got you right, we can't state the outperformance in all cases, because it is measured by an insufficiently precise function and a relatively short period of time. I understand your point of view and thank you for your observation. we will start working on fixing it and re-testing. I don't fully see your point about O3 and --fastmath, if I correctly understand these concepts of aggressive optimization sacrifice performance and computational accuracy in the long run. at the moment our operation has been tested by another project dealing with signal processing and the testing was successful and indeed showed better performance. as for computational accuracy, I don't fully grasp your point here either, since before publishing this we ran a number of tests on different dimensions and sizes, some of the tests can be found as well. nevertheless, i would agree that our development is the result of the personal enthusiasm of two individuals, based on the fact that the mathematical aspect of the algorithm currently used in the field is far from ideal. We have spent some of our time understanding the problem, analyzing articles on this matter, and implementing functions to achieve a more efficient mathematical algorithm. We have spent some of our time bringing the aforementioned package to a state where it can be further worked on and improved, and we have a great deal of respect for the motivations of more experienced colleagues working on open-source development to help us in this endeavor. As I mentioned earlier, we are ready to work within our abilities and knowledge, applying all the information available to us for research. I believe that with the combination of our efforts and the guidance of colleagues from NumPy, our operation can be tested and integrated into the package itself. We are ready to put in all necessary efforts from our side. i thank you for your comments, we will replace our module with the one you mentioned, re-run the tests and will be happy to share the results. i appreciate that such a knowledgeable person in the industry took the time to pay attention to our work.