Ok, there is a clear need for the facility of easy contribution. Please be patient until Friday, December 7th. Then I have time to let it happen. It is right that the oficial site for this project is at pygsl.sourcefogrge.net (Brian Gough, can you change the link on the gsl homepage, thanks :-) ) But I will show some discussion points that must be clear before a cvs release: - Is the file and directory structure fully expandable, can several persons work parallel? - Should classes be created with excellent working objects or should it be a 1:1 wrapper? - should there be one interface dynamic library or more than one? - Is there an other way expect that of the GPL (personally prefered, but other opinions should be discussed before the contribution of source) Some questions of minor weight: - Is the tuple return value for (value,error) ok in the sf module? - Test cases are needed These questions are the reason, why I do not simply "copy" my code into cvs. Jochen Küpper wrote:
It only provides wrapper for the special functions, but more is to come. (Hopefully Achim will put the cvs on sf soon.)
Yes, I agree, PyGSL should be fully integrated with Numpy2, but it should probably also remain a separate project -- as Numpy should stay a base layer for all kind of numerical stuff and hopefully make it into core python at some point (my personal wish, no more, AFAICT!).
I think when PyGSL will fully go to SF (or anything similar) more people would start contributing and we should have a fine general numerical algorithms library for python soon!
I agree with Jochen and I'd like to move to the core of Python too. But this is far away and I hate monolithic distributions. If there is the need to discuss seperately about PyGSL we can do that here or at the gsl-discuss list mailto:gsl-discuss@sources.redhat.com . But there is also the possibility of a mailinglist at pygsl.sourceforge.net . Please let me know.