Dear all,
I am looking for talented and motivated junior researchers that would be interested to work in two projects:
1) ROBUST project: this recently granted project is focused on investigating options for flexibility in local electricity grids by using vehicle-to-grid technology in neighborhoods in Utrecht and Arnhem. We require experience with data analysis and simulation using Python. In this project we collaborate with WeDriveSolar and TUDelft. We have funding for at least 44 months available.
2) PVObs and SolFaSi projects. Both projects deal with photovoltaic performance and forecasting. The PVObs project aims to create a large database of PV systems in the Netherlands in order to assess their performance and from that determine with better accuracy the contribution of PV to the national electricity demand. Parnters in this project are CBS and SunData.
The SolFaSi project aims to develop PV forecasting at high time and spatial resolutions using all-sky imagers (aka cloud cameras). We will install three cameras at the UU campus and one at KNMI. This network allows to construct a moving shadow field over the campus. This should be correlated with the power generation of the 4000+ PV panels at campus buildings. We require experience with (big) data analysis and simulation using Python. We have funding for 24 months available.
If you are interested, or if you know someone who may be interested, please send me a mail at
best regards