2008/4/25, tournesol <tournesol33@gmail.com>:
Hi All.

I just want to conver Fortran 77 source to

Here is my F77 source.

        DIMENSION A(25,60,13),B(25,60,13)

        DO 60 K=1,2
        READ(15,1602) ((B(I,J),J=1,60),I=1,25)
  1602 FORMAT(15I4)

        DO 63 K=1,10
        DO 62 I=1,25
        DO 62 J=1,60

Q1: Fortran-contiguous is ARRAY(row,colum,depth).
     How about the Python-contiguous ? array(depth,row,colum) ?

Default is C-contiguous, but you can you Fortran contiguous arrays.

Q2: How can I insert 1D to a 2D array and make it to
     3D array. ex:) B:25x60 ==> A: 10X25X60

I don't understand what you want to do, but broadcasting allows copying several instances of an array into another one.

French PhD student
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