On Thu, Nov 29, 2018 at 2:38 PM Pavlyk, Oleksandr < oleksandr.pavlyk@intel.com> wrote:
Sorry for not being more explicit.
Yes, the milestone gives me a set of PRs whose changes are designated for 1.16
If I were to manually build sources for 1.16 candidate I would
1. create a branch at some SHA in the master,
2. cherry-pick commits from PRs enumerated in milestone/58 not reachable from the chosen SHA.
What I am missing is the convention on how to choose the merge-base in step 1.
I am interesting in building sources so that I can try to generate patches on top of these sources in advance, and have myself enough time to resolve possible conflicts.
Just master right now. At some point, there will be a release branch, but that will be much closer to the release when most of the PRs are merged already merged and it's just last minute fixes and release-specific changes (e.g. bumping version numbers, etc.) to do. -- Robert Kern