Was the faster CPython release cadence (PEP 602 https://peps.python.org/pep-0602/) ever discussed in relation to NEP 29 (https://numpy.org/neps/nep-0029-deprecation_policy.html)? NEP 29 currently says: "The current Python release cadence is 18 months so a 42 month window ensures that there will always be at least two minor versions of Python in the window." However, as of PEP 602, the release cadence of CPython is now 12 months, not 18 months. This schedule now means supporting 3-4 versions of Python at once, rather than 2-3 versions (for those who don't want to do the math, 48/18 is 2.3 and 48/12 is 3.5). PEP 602 started with Python 3.8, which was released in October, 2019. Python 3.8 is currently the oldest version supported in NEP 29, so we are about to enter the full cycle of the new cadence. In particular, when Python 3.11 is released in October of this year, the NEP 29 prescription will imply supporting 4 Python versions: 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, and 3.11, up until April, 2023 when 3.8 support would be dropped (and continuing like this: 3 versions between April and October; 4 versions between October and April). Furthermore, the NEP seems to imply that the exact CPython release schedule is not known: "The window is extended 6 months beyond the anticipated two-release interval for Python to provide resilience against small fluctuations / delays in its release schedule." I'm not sure how true this was before, but PEP 602 pretty clearly prescribes a Python release in October of every year. Delays presumably might still be possible, but I don't see why it's necessary to build that possibility into the default period in the NEP given that it should be an unusual situation. Personally I would prefer not ever supporting 4 simultaneous Python versions (I rather wish Python hadn't increased their cadence, but that ship has sailed). I don't know if it's possible to update the NEP to adjust for the new cadence. Even if it isn't, the text is clearly out of date and should be updated. I wasn't on this list back in 2019, so my apologies if this has already been discussed. Aaron Meurer