Hello NumPy developers, The SciPy conference would like to encourage you to submit proposals for Birds of a Feather (BoF) sessions at this year's SciPy! BoFs usually include short presentations by a panel and a moderator with the bulk of the time spent opening up the discussion to everyone in attendance, but the format is flexible. BoF topics can be of general interest, such as state-of-the-project BoFs, or based on the themes of the conference and the mini-symposia topics, or can be a great opportunity to collect informations from members of the SciPy community. We would like to encourage you to think about topics of interest and submit your proposals. Submissions are open and will close on Friday, May 31st, 2019. You can submit you proposal here: https://www.scipy2019.scipy.org/bof-sessions. Last Year if my memory serves correctly we had Matti and Stefan for a "So What's up with NumPy". Past SciPy conferences have had a large variety of BoF sessions, including topics on Reproducibility, Jupyter Notebooks, Distributed Computing, Geospatial Packages in Python, Teaching Scientific Computing with Python, Python and Finance, NumFOCUS, Python in Astronomy, Collaborating and Contributing in Open Science, Education, and a Matplotlib Enhancement Proposal Discussion. Generally, if there is a topic where you think a number of people at SciPy will be interested, you should propose it! Please share this with anyone else in the community who you think would be a good candidate for organizing a BoF. The BoF committee will try to select the BoFs based on a number of criteria, and/or attempt to merge BoFs submissions with a large overlap. Thanks in advance for your submission(s), and looking forward to see you at SciPy 2019, Austin Texas, July 8-14, 2019. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions. -- Lindsey Heagy and Matthias Bussonnier for the SciPy organizers. scipybofs@gmail.com