Neal Becker wrote:
I'm interested in this comparison
There have got to be comparison's on the web -- google away! My few comments:
I happened to look on the matlab vendor's website, and found that it does have classes.
Matlab added classes in a fairly recent version, so technically, yes, it does support OO. However, OO aside, Python is, in many ways, are far more sophisticated and capable language. It is better suited to larger projects, and well suited to wide variety of software development, rather than just numerical work. Indeed, python+numpy supports more sophisticated numerical work too (more data types, etc). So, my reasons for using python+numpy (I did my entire dissertation with Matlab -- I loved it at the time): * Better, more flexible language. * I can use it for other things I do: web programming, sophisticated GUIs, etc. * It integrates well with lots of other libraries * It's free: both $$ and libre What's better about Matlab: * A wider selection of out-of-the-box numerical routines. * Excellent integration of command-line and plotting. In short, $$ and freedom aside, I think Matlab provides a slightly more productive environment for interactive experimentation and quickie prototypes and scripts, but much less productive for larger projects, or for people that need to do non-numerical work too. just my $0.2 -Chris -- Christopher Barker, Ph.D. Oceanographer Emergency Response Division NOAA/NOS/OR&R (206) 526-6959 voice 7600 Sand Point Way NE (206) 526-6329 fax Seattle, WA 98115 (206) 526-6317 main reception