Design and Implementation
Some parts of this look a bit imprecise and I don't claim to understand them. For example:
Its relation to the other types is defined when the C-extension module for that type is imported. The corresponding Python code is:
> Int32.astype[Real64] = Real64
This says that the Real64 array-type has higher priority than the Int32 array-type.
I'd choose a clearer name than "astype" for this, but that's a minor detail. More important is how this is supposed to work. Suppose that in Int32 you say that Real64 has higher priority, and in Real64 you say that Int32 has higher priority. Would this raise an exception, and if so, when? Perhaps the coercion question should be treated in a separate PEP that also covers standard Python types and provides a mechanism that any type implementer can use. I could think of a number of cases where I have wished I could define coercions between my own and some other types properly.
3. Array:
This class contains information about the array, such as shape, type, endian-ness of the data, etc.. Its operators, '+', '-',
What about the data itself?
4. ArrayView
This class is similar to the Array class except that the reshape and flat methods will raise exceptions, since non-contiguous
There are no reshape and flat methods in this proposal...
1. Does slicing syntax default to copy or view behavior?
The default behavior of Python is to return a copy of a sub-list or tuple when slicing syntax is used, whereas Numeric 1 returns a view into the array. The choice made for Numeric 1 is apparently for reasons of performance: the developers wish to avoid the
Yes, performance was the main reason. But there is another one: if slicing returns a view, you can make a copy based on it, but if slicing returns a copy, there's no way to make a view. So if you change this, you must provide some other way to generate a view, and please keep the syntax simple (there are many practical cases where a view is required).
In this case the performance penalty associated with copy behavior can be minimized by implementing copy-on-write. This scheme has
Indeed, that's what most APL implementations do.
data buffer is made. View behavior would then be implemented by an ArrayView class, whose behavior be similar to Numeric 1 arrays,
So users would have to write something like ArrayView(array, indices) That looks a bit cumbersome, and any straightforward way to write the indices is illegal according to the current syntax rules.
2. Does item syntax default to copy or view behavior?
If compatibility with lists is a criterion at all, then I'd apply it consistently and use view semantics. Otherwise let's forget about lists and discuss 1. and 2. from a purely array-oriented point of view. And then I'd argue that view semantics is more frequent and should thus be the default for both slicing and item extraction.
3. How is scalar coercion implemented?
The old discussion again...
annoying, particularly for very large arrays. We prefer that the array type trumps the python type for the same type class, namely
That is a completely arbitrary rule from any but the "large array performance" point of view. And it's against the Principle of Least Surprise. Now that we have the PEP procedure for proposing any change whatsoever, why not lobby for the addition of a float scalar type to Python, with its own syntax for constants? That looks like the best solution from everybody's point of view.
4. How is integer division handled?
In a future version of Python, the behavior of integer division will change. The operands will be converted to floats, so the
Has that been decided already?
7. How are numerical errors handled (IEEE floating-point errors in particular)?
It is not clear to the proposers (Paul Barrett and Travis Oliphant) what is the best or preferred way of handling errors. Since most of the C functions that do the operation, iterate over the inner-most (last) dimension of the array. This dimension could contain a thousand or more items having one or more errors of differing type, such as divide-by-zero, underflow, and overflow. Additionally, keeping track of these errors may come at the expense of performance. Therefore, we suggest several options:
I'd like to add another one: e. Keep some statistics about the errors that occur during the operation, and if at the end the error count is > 0, raise an exception containing as much useful information as possible. I would certainly not want any Python program to *print* anything unless I have explicitly told it to do so. Konrad. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Konrad Hinsen | E-Mail: hinsen@cnrs-orleans.fr Centre de Biophysique Moleculaire (CNRS) | Tel.: +33- Rue Charles Sadron | Fax: +33- 45071 Orleans Cedex 2 | Deutsch/Esperanto/English/ France | Nederlands/Francais -------------------------------------------------------------------------------