On Sun, May 15, 2011 at 3:35 AM, Pauli Virtanen <pav@iki.fi> wrote:
On Sun, 15 May 2011 10:32:17 +0200, Ralf Gommers wrote:
>> OK, the format for that part of the signature is in line 4910 in
>> ufunc_object.c. The question is, which should we fix, the format or the
>> autosummary?
> The format please. That [, out] never made sense to me.

The problem here is that there is no standard format for this:

       ceil(a, out=None)

does not work, since `out` is not a keyword parameter.

Anyway, I have a fix for the autosummary parser, so I think both fixing
it, and making the above arguments real keyword arguments makes sense.

I think the formatting could be moved up into the Ufunc class in generate_umath.py or even into the ufunc docs themselves. That would make it more accessible than leaving it in the c code.
