On Sat, Mar 6, 2010 at 12:03 PM, Friedrich Romstedt < friedrichromstedt@gmail.com> wrote:
At the moment, I can do nothing about that. Seems that we have reached the limit. Anyhow, is it now faster than your Python list implementation, and if yes, how much? How large was your gain by using numpy means at all? I'm just curious.
Unfortunately, the pure Python implementation is actually an order of magnitude faster. The fastest solution right now is to use numpy for the transformations, then convert it back into a list (.tolist()) and use Python for the rest. Here's the actual Python code. def glLibInternal_edges(object,lightpos): edge_set = set([]) edges = {} for sublist in xrange(object.number_of_lists): #There's only one sublist here face_data = object.light_volume_face_data[sublist] for indices in face_data: #v1,v2,v3,n normal = object.transformed_normals[sublist][indices[3]] v1,v2,v3 = [ object.transformed_vertices[sublist][indices[i]] for i in xrange(3) ] if abs_angle_between_rad(normal,vec_subt(v1,lightpos))<pi_over_two: for p1,p2 in [[indices[0],indices[1]], [indices[1],indices[2]], [indices[2],indices[0]]]: edge = [p1,p2] index = 0 edge2 = list(edge) edge2.sort() edge2 = tuple(edge2) if edge2 in edges: edges[edge2][1] += 1 else: edges[edge2] = [edge,1] edges2 = [] for edge_data in edges.values(): if edge_data[1] == 1: p1 = object.transformed_vertices[sublist][edge_data[0][0]] p2 = object.transformed_vertices[sublist][edge_data[0][1]] edges2.append([p1,p2]) return edges2 Friedrich
Thanks, Ian