On Aug 7, 2013, at 4:37 AM, Charles R Harris wrote:
> I haven't forgotten and intend to look at it before the next release.
On a related topic, last night I looked into deferring the
import for numpy.testing. This is the only other big place
where numpy's import overhead might be reduced without
breaking backwards compatibility.
I made a _DeferredTester [1] and replaced the 10 __init__.py
uses of:
from .testing import Tester
test = Tester().test
bench = Tester().bench
to use the _DeferredTester instead.
With that in place the "import numpy" time (best of 5)
goes from 0.0796 seconds to 0.0741 seconds, or 7%.
That 0.0796 includes the 0.02 seconds for the exec()
of the polynomial templates. Without that 0.02 seconds
in the baseline would give a 10% speedup. [2]
Would this sort of approach be acceptable to NumPy?
If so, I could improve the patch to make it be acceptable.
The outstanding code issues to be resolve before making
a pull request are:
1) The current wrapper uses *args and **kwargs to forward
any test() and bench() calls to the actual function.
As a result, parameter introspection doesn't work.
2) The current wrapper doesn't have a __doc__
3) The only way to fix 1) and 2) is to copy the signatures
and docstring from the actual Tester() implementation,
which causes code/docstring duplication.
4) I don't know if it's appropriate to add my _DeferredTester
to numpy.core vs. some other place in the code base.
If you want to see the patch, I followed the NumPy instructions at
and made an experimental fork at
I have no git/github experience beyond what I did for this
patch, so let me know if there are problems in what I did.