You know that NumPy is essential to the Python community. The NumPy team wants you to know that YOU, our user and developer community, are essential to us. That’s why we are putting together a team to create the inaugural NumPy Community Survey. We hope feedback will provide insights that will help us to guide better decision-making about the development of NumPy as software and community. For more information about the proposed survey please refer to github.com/numpy/numpy-surveys . *Call for Contributions* We are looking for volunteers experienced in survey design and translating English into Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Hindi, Chinese and other languages. If you’d like to learn more about these volunteer opportunities, or additional ways to support NumPy, feel free to reach out to our community coordinators at numpy-team@googlegroups.com or join us on Slack numpy-team.slack.com (email to numpy-team@googlegroups.com for an invite first). -- Every good wish, Inessa Pawson NumPy Team