Travis Oliphant <teoliphant <at> gmail.com> writes:
I just received word that NumPy has a license to use TeamCity and YouTrack
for NumPy development.
YouTrack is a really nice issue tracker: http://www.jetbrains.com/youtrack/
TeamCity is a really nice Continuous Integration system: http:// www.jetbrains.com/teamcity/
ShiningPanda's hosted Jenkins service was mentioned in a previous thread ("Issue Tracking"; http://thread.gmane.org/ gmane.comp.python.numeric.general/47965), along with the limitation that it supports only Debian 6. I emailed ShiningPanda asking for some more information about using the service with a bigger range of hardware/platforms, in case it helps for comparison with TeamCity. From the ShiningPanda team (with permission): " It is possible to install a Jenkins server on external hardware, run the tests there, and bring back the results on the hosted instance of ShiningPanda. It is very easy to do using this plugin: https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/ Build+Publisher+Plugin. [On the external hardware you] will need to install a Jenkins server, it's not much work. Besides Jenkins is quite self-contained so you could easily pre- configure one and distribute it. But it will need a JVM, which could be a problem. It is not in Shining Panda documentation yet. [...] The current gentleman agreement for this feature is: if you cannot build it on ShiningPanda, then you can build it outside. It will most certainly make it to our ToS at some point. We are adding support for Windows 7: it should be available next month. At first it will be a free beta, then it will become a paid option: around $0.60 ~ $0.70 per hour of build. MacOS X should follow later this year. " Chris