On 08/18/2010 07:39 AM, ashford@whisperpc.com wrote:
please below a script that will build numpy using a relevant site.cfg for your configuration (you need to update GOTODIR and LAPACKDIR and PYTHONDIR):
#copy site.cfg cp ./site.cfg PYTHONDIR/lib/python2.6/site-packages/numpy/distutils/.
I believe this needs a $ prior to PYTHONDIR.
I tried this, and the benchmark still came in at 8.5S.
Any ideas? How long should the following benchmark take on a Core-i7 930, with Atlas or Goto?
time python -c "import numpy as N; a=N.random.randn(1000, 1000); N.dot(a, a)"
Do you have a _dotblas.so file ? We only support _dotblas linked against atlas AFAIK, which means goto won't be used in that case. To check which libraries are used by your extensions, you should use ldd on the .so files (for example ldd .../numpy/linalg/lapack_lite.so). cheers, David