On 10 May 2000, Johann Hibschman wrote:
I will take a look at the Gist source, and see if I can understand it well enough to support it. I haven't used Gist all that much, but I finally found a problem that I couldn't solve with the other graphics packages I know, so I've started using it again.
I found LLNLDistribution11 on the ftp-icf site, so I'm set for now. I could look into sourceforge as a distribution site.
I believe that the support of Gist is not in question, only the python interface to Gist. The individual (Zane Mottler) who wrote the interface is retiring in 2 months and still has 6 months of work left. That prompted the 'no official support' comment. If there are users here at LLNL (and there are at least a few), I'm sure we could find some support for them. Lee Taylor