On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 11:43 AM, Pierre GM <pgmdevlist@gmail.com> wrote:

On Jan 21, 2009, at 11:34 AM, Darren Dale wrote:

> I have a simple test script here that multiplies an ndarray subclass
> with another number. Can anyone help me understand why each of these
> combinations returns a new instance of MyArray:
> mine = MyArray()
> print type(np.float32(1)*mine)
> print type(mine*np.float32(1))
> print type(mine*np.float64(1))
> print type(1*mine)
> print type(mine*1)
> but this one returns a np.float64 instance?

FYI, that's the same behavior as observed in ticket #826. A first
thread addressed that issue
But so far, no answer has been suggested.
Any help welcome.

I dont understand why __array_priority__ is not being respected here. Ticket 826 lists the component as numpy.ma, it seems the problem is in numpy.core. I think the severity of the ticket should be increased. But I wasnt able to view the ticket, I keep getting an "internal server error".