On Fri, Aug 3, 2018 at 12:45 PM, Stefan van der Walt <stefanv@berkeley.edu> wrote:
I'll note that at least the Contributor Covenant is pretty vague about enforcement:

All complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances.

I'd think refining THAT part for the project may provide the benefits of discussion...

But the SciPy CoC has a whole additional document that goes into further detail on this specific issue, so let's not concern ourselves with the weaknesses of the Covenant (there are plenty),

Actually, I did not indent that to be highlighting a limitation in the Covenant, but rather pointing out that there is plenty to discuss, even if one does adopt an existing CoC.

But at Ralf points out, that discussion has been had in the context of scipy, so I agree -- numpy should adopt scipy's CoC and be done with it.

In fact, if someone still feels strongly that "political beliefs" should be removed, then it's probably better to bring that up in the context of scipy, rather than numpy -- as has been said, it is practically the same community.

To the point where the scipy developers guide and the numpy developers guide are published on the same web site.



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