Greg Ewing wrote:
Chris Barker wrote:
This is a Darn Good example of why we need the new array protocol.
I came across another one the other day when working on pygui. I wanted to use glReadPixels to read data into a buffer belonging to an NSBitmapImageRep, but PyOpenGL's glReadPixels can only read data into an existing memory block if it's a Numeric array, and PyObjC doesn't know anything about Numeric...
I've taken the liberty of adding these to a new Wiki page. Let's record these "Oh I wish everyone used the array protocol" moments when we come across them. http://www.scipy.org/wikis/featurerequests/ArrayInterfaceUseCases/ This will probably migrate to the Trac instance for scipy whenever that comes about. -- Robert Kern rkern@ucsd.edu "In the fields of hell where the grass grows high Are the graves of dreams allowed to die." -- Richard Harter