Hello, I'm working on a Multipack module to use ODRPACK for non-linear regression problems. ODRPACK is available from NETLIB if you want information: http://www.netlib.org/odrpack/index.html I'm in the debugging phase right now, and I want to be able to test my interfaces to most if not all of ODRPACK's capabilities. Consequently, I need datasets with some of the following properties: * multiple inputs (or a vector of inputs) * multiple responses (or a vector of responses) * errors/weights on either the responses, inputs, or both * covariance matrices for the errors on responses/inputs/both (in the case of multiple inputs/responses) * any differentiable functional form that I can make a Python function compute using Numpy and SpecialFuncs ufuncs (and maybe a few others) * problems where it is sensible to fix particular parameters and estimate the others * problems where it is sensible to fix particular datapoints (e.g. boundary conditions) * problems where some datapoints should be removed I would be much obliged if any of you could send me datasets that have some of these characteristics. I would prefer them to be in something parsable by Python, either a simple plaintext format or even NetCDF to goad me into learning how to use Konrad's NetCDF interface. A description of the function to fit to is necessary, and a brief description of the problem and perhaps even the expected answers would be nice. *** Please e-mail these to me and not the list. If you would like more information or clarification, please e-mail me. Many thanks for your time and possible contribution. -- Robert Kern kern@caltech.edu "In the fields of hell where the grass grows high Are the graves of dreams allowed to die." -- Richard Harter