On Thu, 11 Mar 2010 13:42:43 +0100 Dag Sverre Seljebotn <dagss@student.matnat.uio.no> wrote:
Nils Wagner wrote:
On Thu, 11 Mar 2010 13:01:33 +0100 Dag Sverre Seljebotn <dagss@student.matnat.uio.no> wrote:
Nils Wagner wrote:
On Mon, 22 Feb 2010 22:18:23 +0900 David Cournapeau <cournape@gmail.com> wrote:
On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 10:01 PM, Nils Wagner <nwagner@iam.uni-stuttgart.de> wrote:
ar x test.a gfortran -shared *.o -o libtest.so -lg2c
to build a shared library. The additional option -lg2c was necessary due to an undefined symbol: s_cmp
You should avoid the -lg2c option at any cost if compiling with gfortran. I am afraid that you got a library compiled with g77. If that's the case, you should use g77 and not gfortran. You cannot mix libraries built with one with libraries with another.
Now I am able to load the shared library
from ctypes import * my_lib = CDLL('test.so')
What are the next steps to use the library functions within python ?
You use it as you would use a C library:
But the fortran ABI, at least for code built with g77 and gfortran, pass everything by reference. To make sure to pass the right arguments, I strongly suggest to double check with the .h you received.
David _______________________________________________ NumPy-Discussion mailing list NumPy-Discussion@scipy.org http://mail.scipy.org/mailman/listinfo/numpy-discussion
Hi all,
I tried to run the following script. The result is a segmentation fault. Did I use byref correctly ?
from ctypes import * my_dsio = CDLL('libdsio20_gnu4.so') # loading dynamic link libraries # # FORTRAN : CALL DSIO(JUNCAT,FDSCAT,IERR) # # int I,J,K,N,IDE,IA,IE,IERR,JUNIT,JUNCAT,NDATA,NREC,LREADY,ONE=1; # Word BUF[100],HEAD[30]; # char *PATH,*STRING; # char *PGNAME,*DATE,*TIME,*TEXT; # int LHEAD=30; # # C : DSIO(&JUNCAT,FDSCAT,&IERR,strlen(FDSCAT)); #
IERR = c_int() FDSCAT = c_char_p('dscat.ds') JUNCAT = c_int() LDSNCAT = c_int(len(FDSCAT.value)) print print 'LDSNCAT', LDSNCAT.value print 'FDSCAT' , FDSCAT.value , len(FDSCAT.value)
my_dsio.dsio(byref(JUNCAT),byref(FDSCAT),byref(IERR),byref(LDSNCAT)) # segmentation fault print IERR.value
Any idea ?
You shouldn't have byref on FDSCAT nor LDSNCAT, as explained by this line:
Dag Sverre
Sorry, I am newbie to C. What is the correct way ?
Great. It works like a charme. How can I "translate" the following C-code into Python ? I don't know how to handle HEAD and memcpy ? Any pointer would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. typedef union { int i; float f; char c[4]; } Word; int I,J,K,N,IDE,IA,IE,IERR,JUNIT,JUNCAT,NDATA,NREC,LREADY,ONE=1; Word BUF[100],HEAD[30]; for (I=5;I<LHEAD;I++) HEAD[I].i = 0; HEAD[ 0].i = 1; HEAD[ 1].i = LHEAD + NDATA*7; HEAD[ 2].i = LHEAD; HEAD[ 3].i = NDATA; HEAD[ 4].i = 7; memcpy (HEAD[ 7].c,"DSIO",4); memcpy (HEAD[ 8].c,"TEST",4); memcpy (HEAD[ 9].c,"NPCO",4); memcpy (HEAD[10].c," ",4); memcpy (HEAD[11].c,"DSIO",4); HEAD[20].i = 1; HEAD[21].i = NDATA; STRING = "MM RAD"; DSEINH(STRING,&HEAD[24].i,&ONE, strlen(STRING));