Re: help in improving data analysis code

From: Francesc Altet <faltet@ca...> Re: help in improving data analysis code 2005-11-25 07:32
A Divendres 25 Novembre 2005 16:27, Francesc Altet va escriure: print nn[argsort(abs(nn_c-nn_c.mean()),0)][:-int(sz*0.10),0]
Ups. I have had a confusion. This should work better ;-)
print nn[argsort(abs(nn-nn.mean()),0)][:-int(sz*0.10),0]
Hi Francesc, Thank you for the suggestions. Your code is performing a different task than mine was. In particular, I believe it does not 're-mean' the data after removing each point. However, based on the great ideas from your code, I now have the function below that looks to be more efficient (although I haven't measured it). Any additional suggestions are appreciated. -g ==== from numarray import argsort, floor, absolute def eliminate_outliers(data,frac): num_to_eliminate = int(floor(data.size())*frac) for i in range(num_to_eliminate): data = data[argsort(absolute(data-data.mean()),0)][:-1,0] return data if __name__ == "__main__": from numarray.mlab import rand sz = 100 nn = rand(sz,1) nn[:10] = 20*rand(10,1) nn[sz-10:] = -20*rand(10,1) print eliminate_outliers(nn,0.10)
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