successful Windows x64 build with acml-5.3.1 ifort64 static libs passes tests

Both the /MT and /MD versions of the acml static libraries build, and pass all tests, except that for me at least there's a weird glitch in the build process. I have to purposefully add something so that config fails. EG: In the previous site.cfg, I did not realize that I had mistyped the vector math libraries as libsvml_disp.lib instead of svml_disp.lib. In fact you don't even need those libraries. Here I use the /MT version of the static libs, but add a dummy lib, "_". Config says NOT AVAILABLE for everything, but the build and install work fine. [blas] blas_libs = libacml, libifcoremt, libifport, libirc, libircmt, libmmt, svml_disp, svml_dispmt, _ library_dirs = C:\AMD\acml5.3.1\ifort64\lib\MT include_dirs = C:\AMD\acml5.3.1\ifort64\include [lapack] lapack_libs = libacml, libifcoremt, libifport, libirc, libircmt, libmmt, svml_disp, svml_dispmt, _ library_dirs = C:\AMD\acml5.3.1\ifort64\lib\MT include_dirs = C:\AMD\acml5.3.1\ifort64\include If I try to run the build without the dummy ("_"), then I get a traceback that says that lapack libs with appended underscores are unresolved. I think in the static library and the acml header file the c-wrappers remove the fortran underscore. Also I am using the Intel fortran built libs which I think use ALL CAPS not trailing underscores. I think this is the trailing underscore import issue, covered in this article: Adding the dummy lib somehow sets the NO_APPEND_FORTRAN macro. Also it seems like the [amd] section in site.cfg does nothing. Also it doesn't matter if I change the library names to remove the lib- prefix, or if I rename the lib and header from acml to amd, makes no difference. THe only reference to AMD/ACML is but this site seems out of date, and in contradiction to other building scipy site that supports MKL out of the box.

I am so dumb. It is not using the static libs at all. It is building numpy with lapack_lite and blas_lite.
participants (1)
Mark Mikofski