Programmatically contracting multiple tensors

Greetings, I have something in my code where I can receive an array M of unknown dimensionality and a list of "labels" for each axis. E.g. perhaps I might get an array of shape (2, 47, 3, 47, 3) with labels ['spin', 'atom', 'coord', 'atom', 'coord']. For every axis that is labeled "coord", I want to multiply in some rotation matrix R. So, for the above example, this could be done with the following handwritten line: return np.einsum('Cc,Ee,abcde->abCdE', R, R, M) But since I want to do this programmatically, I find myself in the awkward situation of having to construct this string (and e.g. having to arbitrarily limit the number of axes to 26 or something like that). Is there a more idiomatic way to do this that would let me supply integer labels for summation indices? Or should I just bite the bullet and start generating strings? --- Michael

On Sat, Mar 13, 2021 at 1:32 AM Eric Wieser <> wrote:
Einsum has a secret integer argument format that appears in the Examples section of the `np.einsum` docs, but appears not to be mentioned at all in the parameter listing.
It's mentioned (albeit somewhat cryptically) sooner in the Notes: "einsum also provides an alternative way to provide the subscripts and operands as einsum(op0, sublist0, op1, sublist1, ..., [sublistout]). If the output shape is not provided in this format einsum will be calculated in implicit mode, otherwise it will be performed explicitly. The examples below have corresponding einsum calls with the two parameter methods. New in version 1.10.0." Not that this helps much, because I definitely wouldn't understand this API without the examples. But I'm not sure _where_ this could be highlighted among the parameters; after all this is all covered by the *operands parameter. András

Einsum has a secret integer argument format that appears in the Examples
`np.einsum` docs, but appears not to be mentioned at all in the parameter
Hi, I must thank y'all for the exceptionally fast responses (and apologize for my own tragically slow response!) On Sat, Mar 13, 2021 at 1:32 AM Eric Wieser <> wrote: section of the listing. Ah, yes, this is precisely the sort of API I was hoping for! I found it pretty easy to use, but here's a snippet that solves my original problem for those wondering: On Fri, Mar 12, 2021 at 8:09 PM Andras Deak <> wrote:
But I'm not sure _where_ this could be highlighted among the parameters; after all this is all covered by the *operands parameter.
The parameter list is definitely one of the places I checked most closely, and having something there would have helped. I'd say that, technically, this also overlaps with the subscripts argument, which now holds the first array, and I feel like that may be the best place to put something. For instance, a short paragraph could be added to the end of 'subscripts': "einsum also has an alternative interface that uses integer labels for axes, in which case the subscripts argument is not present. This is documented below." (with a link) (the idea I'm trying to capture here is to avoid creating any specific (or potentially wrong) picture of how the arguments look in the alternate signature, more or less forcing the reader to follow a link to where it is more easily described somewhere outside the constraints of parameter-based documentation) --- Michael <>

On Sat, Mar 13, 2021 at 1:32 AM Eric Wieser <> wrote:
Einsum has a secret integer argument format that appears in the Examples section of the `np.einsum` docs, but appears not to be mentioned at all in the parameter listing.
It's mentioned (albeit somewhat cryptically) sooner in the Notes: "einsum also provides an alternative way to provide the subscripts and operands as einsum(op0, sublist0, op1, sublist1, ..., [sublistout]). If the output shape is not provided in this format einsum will be calculated in implicit mode, otherwise it will be performed explicitly. The examples below have corresponding einsum calls with the two parameter methods. New in version 1.10.0." Not that this helps much, because I definitely wouldn't understand this API without the examples. But I'm not sure _where_ this could be highlighted among the parameters; after all this is all covered by the *operands parameter. András

Einsum has a secret integer argument format that appears in the Examples
`np.einsum` docs, but appears not to be mentioned at all in the parameter
Hi, I must thank y'all for the exceptionally fast responses (and apologize for my own tragically slow response!) On Sat, Mar 13, 2021 at 1:32 AM Eric Wieser <> wrote: section of the listing. Ah, yes, this is precisely the sort of API I was hoping for! I found it pretty easy to use, but here's a snippet that solves my original problem for those wondering: On Fri, Mar 12, 2021 at 8:09 PM Andras Deak <> wrote:
But I'm not sure _where_ this could be highlighted among the parameters; after all this is all covered by the *operands parameter.
The parameter list is definitely one of the places I checked most closely, and having something there would have helped. I'd say that, technically, this also overlaps with the subscripts argument, which now holds the first array, and I feel like that may be the best place to put something. For instance, a short paragraph could be added to the end of 'subscripts': "einsum also has an alternative interface that uses integer labels for axes, in which case the subscripts argument is not present. This is documented below." (with a link) (the idea I'm trying to capture here is to avoid creating any specific (or potentially wrong) picture of how the arguments look in the alternate signature, more or less forcing the reader to follow a link to where it is more easily described somewhere outside the constraints of parameter-based documentation) --- Michael <>
participants (3)
Andras Deak
Eric Wieser
Michael Lamparski