I just noticed that the shape argument in fromfile cannot be an unhashable sequence. I assume tuples are the norm, but still -- it would be nice to accept other sequences? And... I also saw an explicit type check in fromfile, comparing _type(file) with _type("") -- what if I supplied some other string-like object? Perhaps a try/except with file+"" would be appropriate, to check for "string-like-ness" instead of an explicit type check? (I've just grown suspicious of typechecking in general...) Sorry if I'm being a pest, nagging about all these details, but I expect it may be useful to get them resolved? :] -- Magnus Lie Hetland http://hetland.org

Magnus Lie Hetland <magnus@hetland.org>:
I just noticed that the shape argument in fromfile cannot be an unhashable sequence. I assume tuples are the norm, but still -- it would be nice to accept other sequences?
Sorry about that -- it worked after all. My mistake. -- Magnus Lie Hetland http://hetland.org
participants (1)
Magnus Lie Hetland