On Mon, Feb 15, 2016 at 10:43 AM, Gregor Thalhammer < gregor.thalhammer@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Gregor, Your suggestion to separate the opcode signature from the library used to execute it is very clever. Based on your suggestion, I think that the natural evolution of the opcodes is to specify them by function signature and library, using a two-level dict, i.e. numexpr.interpreter.opcodes['exp_f8f8f8'][gnu] = some_enum numexpr.interpreter.opcodes['exp_f8f8f8'][msvc] = some_enum +1 numexpr.interpreter.opcodes['exp_f8f8f8'][vml] = some_enum + 2 numexpr.interpreter.opcodes['exp_f8f8f8'][yeppp] = some_enum +3 I want to procedurally generate opcodes.cpp and interpreter_body.cpp. If I do it the way you suggested funccodes.hpp and all the many #define's regarding function codes in the interpreter can hopefully be removed and hence simplify the overall codebase. One could potentially take it a step further and plan (optimize) each expression, similar to what FFTW does with regards to matrix shape. That is, the basic way to control the library would be with a singleton library argument, i.e.: result = ne.evaluate( "A*log(foo**2 / bar**2", lib=vml ) However, we could also permit a tuple to be passed in, where each element of the tuple reflects the library to use for each operation in the AST tree: result = ne.evaluate( "A*log(foo**2 / bar**2", lib=(gnu,gnu,gnu,yeppp,gnu) ) In this case the ops are (mul,mul,div,log,mul). The op-code picking is done by the Python side, and this tuple could be potentially optimized by numexpr rather than hand-optimized, by trying various permutations of the linked C math libraries. The wisdom from the planning could be pickled and saved in a wisdom file. Currently Numexpr has cacheDict in util.py but there's no reason this can't be pickled and saved to disk. I've done a similar thing by creating wrappers for PyFFTW already. Robert -- Robert McLeod, Ph.D. Center for Cellular Imaging and Nano Analytics (C-CINA) Biozentrum der Universität Basel Mattenstrasse 26, 4058 Basel Work: +41.061.387.3225 robert.mcleod@unibas.ch robert.mcleod@bsse.ethz.ch <robert.mcleod@ethz.ch> robbmcleod@gmail.com

2016-02-16 10:04 GMT+01:00 Robert McLeod <robbmcleod@gmail.com>:
Yes, by using a two level dictionary you can access the functions implementing opcodes much faster and hence you can add much more opcodes without too much slow-down.
I like the idea of various permutations of linked C math libraries to be probed by numexpr during the initial iteration and then cached somehow. That will probably require run-time detection of available C math libraries (think that a numexpr binary will be able to run on different machines with different libraries and computing capabilities), but in exchange, it will allow for the fastest execution paths independently of the machine that runs the code. -- Francesc Alted

2016-02-16 10:04 GMT+01:00 Robert McLeod <robbmcleod@gmail.com>:
Yes, by using a two level dictionary you can access the functions implementing opcodes much faster and hence you can add much more opcodes without too much slow-down.
I like the idea of various permutations of linked C math libraries to be probed by numexpr during the initial iteration and then cached somehow. That will probably require run-time detection of available C math libraries (think that a numexpr binary will be able to run on different machines with different libraries and computing capabilities), but in exchange, it will allow for the fastest execution paths independently of the machine that runs the code. -- Francesc Alted
participants (2)
Francesc Alted
Robert McLeod