The NumPy 1.2.0 release date (8/24/08) is rapidly approaching and we need everyone's help. David Cournapeau has volunteered to take the lead on coordinating this release. The main focus of this release is on improved documentation and a new testing framework based on nose with only a few new features. The only new features that I am aware of being planned for this release are: * Robert Kern has a function that does efficient, pure-Python broadcasting of arrays. It is quite useful in certain instances where you want to have the broadcasting feature of ufuncs but cannot cast your function into a form where you can make use of ufuncs. * When writing big arrays to filelike objects in the new NPY format introduced in 1.1, it would be good to do so in chunks. Robert de Almeida's arrayterator would do the job well. When Robert K. implemented the NPY format, he asked him if we could use arrayterator in numpy and expose it as a public API in numpy, too. He agreed, but he had some fixes to do and unit tests to write. This has now been completed and arrayterator 1.0 has been released: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/arrayterator/1.0 Another issue that we should address is whether it is OK to postpone the planned API changes to histogram and median. A couple of people have mentioned to me that they would like to delay the API changes to 1.3, which seems reasonable to me. If anyone would prefer that we make the planned API changes for histogram and median in 1.2, please speak now. Here is the schedule for 1.2.0: - 8/05/08 tag the 1.1.1rc1 release and prepare packages - 8/12/08 tag the 1.1.1rc2 release and prepare packages - 8/23/08 tag the 1.1.1 release and prepare packages - 8/24/08 announce release We need to follow this schedule as closely as possible because we should get SciPy 0.7.0 out ASAP (I will send an email out about scipy 0.7.0 tomorrow). Also it would be very good to have release candidates of the newest NumPy and SciPy available for the SciPy 2008 conference. I would also like to get them both out in time for the new school year. If you have any additional features that you have been working on, please let me know ASAP. Otherwise, all feature development should take place on a branch from this point forward. If you want to open a ticket specifically for this bug-fix release, please use the NumPy 1.2.0 milestone: http://scipy.org/scipy/numpy/milestone/1.2.0 Thanks, -- Jarrod Millman Computational Infrastructure for Research Labs 10 Giannini Hall, UC Berkeley phone: 510.643.4014 http://cirl.berkeley.edu/

On Sun, Jul 13, 2008 at 1:51 AM, Jarrod Millman <millman@berkeley.edu> wrote:
Here is the schedule for 1.2.0: - 8/05/08 tag the 1.1.1rc1 release and prepare packages - 8/12/08 tag the 1.1.1rc2 release and prepare packages - 8/23/08 tag the 1.1.1 release and prepare packages - 8/24/08 announce release
Whoops, that should read: Here is the schedule for 1.2.0: - 8/05/08 tag the 1.2.0rc1 release and prepare packages - 8/12/08 tag the 1.2.0rc2 release and prepare packages - 8/23/08 tag the 1.2.0 release and prepare packages - 8/24/08 announce release -- Jarrod Millman Computational Infrastructure for Research Labs 10 Giannini Hall, UC Berkeley phone: 510.643.4014 http://cirl.berkeley.edu/
participants (1)
Jarrod Millman