ANN: SciPy 0.3 Released
Greetings, SciPy 0.3 has been released and binaries are available from the site. Changes since the 0.1 version (0.1 enjoyed a wide release, there was a version 0.2 that had limited exposure) include the following: - general improvements: Added utility functions for constructing arrays by concatenation, intended mainly for command-line use. Added bmat constructor for easy creation of block matrices. Added mat constructor for constructing matrices (where * is matrix multiplication). Added many PIL utility functions so that if the PIL is installed, image loading, saving, and other operations are available. Added, which handles dynamic docstrings and class help better than python's help command. - documentation: much improved - sparse: superLU upgraded to 3.0 - optimize: Added non-linear conjugate gradient algorithm. Improvements to BFGS algorithm and Wolfe-condition line-search. Added two CONSTRAINED optimization techniques. Added simulated annealing and brute-force optimization strategies and Powell's method. Added many very good 1-D root-finding routines. - stats: Added many statistical distributions. Many continuous and discrete random variables are available with a simple mechanism for adding new ones. Added several statistical tests. - special: Added MANY new special functions. |general_function| renamed to |vectorize| and moved to scipy_base. Improved the way domain errors are handled (user specified display of problems). More tests on special functions added. - fftpack: replaced with fftpack2--can optionally be configured to support djbfft - io: Reading of MATLAB .mat files (version 4 and 5) supported. Writing version 4 .mat files supported. Added very flexible and general_purpose text file reader. Added shelving save operation to save variables into an importable module. Routines for reading and writing fortran-records. - linalg: Linear algebra is greatly improved over SciPy 0.1. ATLAS is now optional (but encouraged). Most lapack functions have simplified interfaces (all lapack and blas available). Matrix exponentials and other matrix functions added. - signal: Added support for filter design and LTI system analysis. - xplt: Updated xplt to use newer pygist so that Windows platform is supported. Addition of several plotting types. - integrate: added another ODE integrator. Added romberg integration and several other integration approaches. The complete release notes can be found here: You'll also notice that is now a spanking new Plone portal ( -- keep up the good work, plone folks). This is the first binary release in a long time and we hope to increase the frequency to every 6 months or so. If you'd like to follow or join the community, you can subscribe to the mailing lists here: Best Regards, Travis BTW SciPy is: ------------- SciPy is an open source library of scientific tools for Python. SciPy supplements the popular Numeric module, gathering a variety of high level science and engineering modules together as a single package. SciPy includes modules for graphics and plotting, optimization, integration, special functions, signal and image processing, genetic algorithms, ODE solvers, and others.
participants (1)
Travis N. Vaught