Hi all, i am working with numpy and mostly 16 bit matrices, and so I was looking for a standard way of saving them. I found that PNG actually supports that, but I could not find a way to use this feature from within python. I thought that it actually is a cool way of storing matrices and thus I wrote a little pyrex program that does the job. I figured this might be interesting to a broader audience, so I posted it here, maybe for inclusion in numpy? Some more thoughts: * Other implementations: There is other people who have done such a thing. the PIL knows how to read and write PNG, but only 8 bit. The same holds for matplotlib. * Problems: until now, numpy does not link agains libpng. This should not be a problem on linux-like systems, as those normally all have libpng installed. Windows however, I don't know. Same thing with pyrex. Numpy doesn't use pyrex until now. * other places to put: numpy could be considered to basic to have such a functionality, one could put it in scipy. Well, but png is not really a _scientific_ application (even though I personally use it to do science). Matplotlib would be another nice place to put this feature, big advantage is that matplotlib already links against libpng. So, now I shared my thoughts with you, comments? Greetings, Martin And here the code (188 lines are hopefully ok for a mailinglist?) cimport c_numpy import numpy cdef extern from "stdlib.h": cdef void *malloc(int) cdef void free(void *) cdef extern from "stdio.h": cdef struct file: pass ctypedef file FILE cdef FILE *fopen(char *, char *) cdef int fclose(FILE *) cdef extern from "errno.h": cdef int errno cdef extern from "png.h": cdef struct jmp_buf: pass cdef int setjmp(jmp_buf) cdef struct png_struct: jmp_buf jmpbuf ctypedef png_struct *png_structp cdef struct png_info: int width int height int bit_depth int color_type int channels ctypedef png_info *png_infop cdef struct png_text: int compression char *key char *text int text_length ctypedef png_text *png_textp cdef png_structp png_create_read_struct(char *, void *, void *, void*) cdef void png_init_io(png_structp, FILE *) cdef void png_set_sig_bytes(png_structp, int) cdef png_infop png_create_info_struct(png_structp) cdef void png_read_info(png_structp, png_infop) cdef int png_set_interlace_handling(png_structp) cdef void png_read_update_info(png_structp, png_infop) cdef void png_read_image(png_structp, unsigned char **) cdef void png_read_png(png_structp, png_infop, int, void *) cdef void png_read_end(png_structp, png_infop) cdef void png_destroy_read_struct(png_structp *, png_infop *, void *) cdef png_structp png_create_write_struct(char *, void *, void *, void*) cdef void png_set_IHDR(png_structp, png_infop, unsigned int, unsigned int, int, int, int, int, int) cdef void png_write_info(png_structp, png_infop) cdef void png_write_image(png_structp, unsigned char **) cdef void png_write_end(png_structp, png_infop) cdef void png_destroy_write_struct(png_structp *,png_infop *) cdef void png_set_swap(png_structp) cdef void png_set_rows(png_structp, png_infop, unsigned char **) cdef void png_write_png(png_structp, png_infop, int, void *) cdef void png_set_text(png_structp, png_infop, png_textp, int) cdef int PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY cdef int PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE cdef int PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB cdef int PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA cdef int PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA cdef int PNG_INTERLACE_NONE cdef int PNG_COMPRESSION_TYPE_BASE cdef int PNG_FILTER_TYPE_BASE cdef int PNG_TRANSFORM_IDENTITY cdef int PNG_TRANSFORM_SWAP_ENDIAN cdef char *PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING def load(fn): """ load a PNG file into a NumPy array. This function can read all kinds of PNG images in a senseful way: Depending on the number of bits per pixel, we chose numpy.bool, numpy.unit8 or numpy.uint16 as base type. For gray scale images or pallettes, this returns a 2-D array, for everything else a 3-D array, where the third dimension has a size of 2 for gray+alpha images, 3 for RGB and 4 for RGBA images. """ cdef FILE *f f = fopen(fn, "rb") if f == NULL: raise IOError(errno) cdef png_structp p p = png_create_read_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL) if setjmp(p.jmpbuf): fclose(f) raise RuntimeError("libpng reported error") cdef png_infop i i = png_create_info_struct(p) png_init_io(p, f) png_read_info(p, i) if i.color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY: shape = (i.height, i.width) elif i.color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA: shape = (i.height, i.width, 2) elif i.color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE: shape = (i.height, i.width) elif i.color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB: shape = (i.height, i.width, 3) elif i.color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA: shape = (i.height, i.width, 4) if i.bit_depth == 1: dtype = numpy.bool elif i.bit_depth == 8: dtype = numpy.uint8 elif i.bit_depth == 16: dtype = numpy.uint16 png_set_interlace_handling(p) png_read_update_info(p, i) r = numpy.zeros(shape, dtype) cdef c_numpy.ndarray s s = r cdef unsigned char **rp rp = <unsigned char **> malloc(sizeof(char *) * i.height) cdef int j for j from 0 <= j < i.height: rp[j] = <unsigned char *> &s.data[(j * i.channels * i.width * i.bit_depth) / 8] png_set_swap(p) png_read_image(p, rp) free(rp) png_destroy_read_struct(&p, &i, NULL) fclose(f) return r def save(fn, data): """ Save a NumPy array to PNG This function saves the NumPy array in data to the file fn. It saves the data the best way it can: 2-D arrays are saved as gray scale images, 3-D arrays are saved as gray+alpha, rgb or rgba depending on the size of the 3rd dimension. """ cdef c_numpy.ndarray d d = numpy.ascontiguousarray(data) cdef int j cdef int width if data.itemsize > 2: raise ValueError("PNG cannot handle BPP > 16") if data.ndim == 2: width = data.shape[1] * data.itemsize elif data.ndim == 3: width = data.shape[2] * data.shape[1] * data.itemsize else: raise ValueError("Can only save 2-D or 3-D arrays to PNG") cdef FILE *f f = fopen(fn, "wb") cdef png_structp p p = png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL) cdef unsigned char **rp rp = NULL if setjmp(p.jmpbuf): free(rp) fclose(f) raise RuntimeError("libpng reported error") cdef png_infop i i = png_create_info_struct(p) png_init_io(p, f) if data.ndim == 2: color = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY elif data.shape[2] == 2: color = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA elif data.shape[2] == 3: color = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB elif data.shape[2] == 4: color = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA else: raise ValueError("Third dimension must be <= 4 for saving to PNG") png_set_IHDR(p, i, data.shape[1], data.shape[0], data.itemsize*8, color, PNG_INTERLACE_NONE, PNG_COMPRESSION_TYPE_BASE, PNG_FILTER_TYPE_BASE) rp = <unsigned char **> malloc(sizeof(char *) * data.shape[0]) for j from 0 <= j < data.shape[0]: rp[j] = <unsigned char *> &d.data[j * width] png_set_rows(p, i, rp) png_write_png(p, i, PNG_TRANSFORM_SWAP_ENDIAN, NULL) free(rp) png_destroy_write_struct(&p, &i) fclose(f)

Am Donnerstag, 08. November 2007 16:25:57 schrieb Martin Teichmann:
Some more thoughts: * Other implementations: There is other people who have done such a thing. the PIL knows how to read and write PNG, but only 8 bit. The same holds for matplotlib.
Our VIGRA imaging library can read and save PNGs with 8/16 bit data, as well as several kinds of TIFF files (including float data). We are currently trying to re-model our python bindings (which have not yet been officially released) using NumPy containers for the images. Unfortunately, we seem to get a performance penalty by the common convention that the order of the indices is x,y, e.g. colorImage[x,y] == [r,g,b]. See the other current thread. -- Ciao, / / /--/ / / ANS
participants (2)
Hans Meine
Martin Teichmann