Suggestions/Views on a Numpy-Tutorial Idea Draft.

Good Day Everyone in the Mailing List, This message is sent to the mailing list to get valuable insights from everyone present here on whether to write the Draft for a Numpy-Tutorial. I was going through the type of contributions that are required by the community Discussed in - and Numpy Tutorials was one of them. Seeing this, In the past, I had worked on Classifying a fruit such as("apple" "mango") based on specific given characteristics using a scratch implementation of KNN. KNN as an algorithm I feel is relatively simple to learn. Do let me know If I could start working towards this tutorial and It's something that could add value to the tutorials and the community. I also made a .ipynb notebook to refer to what Implementation would be covered in the tutorial. (Note - It is pretty raw, the actual tutorial will be much more thorough. This is to give a general Idea) Link - Regards, Bhavuk Kalra
participants (1)
bhavuk kalra