7th Annual Scientific Software Days Conference (25-26 February, 2016 -- Austin, TX)

The 7th Annual Scientific Software Days Conference (SSD) <http://scisoftdays.org/> targets users and developers of scientific software. The conference will be held at the University of Texas at Austin Thursday Feb 25 - Friday Feb 26, 2016 and focuses on two themes: a) sharing best practices across scientific software communities; b) sharing the latest tools and technology relevant to scientific software. Past keynotes speakers include Greg Wilson (2008), Victoria Stodden (2009), Steve Easterbrook (2010), Fernando Perez (2011), Will Schroeder (2012), Neil Chue Hong (2013). This year's list of speakers include: - Brian Adams (Sandia, Dakota): http://www.sandia.gov/~briadam/index.html - Iain Dunning (MIT, Julia Project): http://iaindunning.com/ - Victor Eijkhout (TACC): http://pages.tacc.utexas.edu/~eijkhout/ - Robert van de Geijn (keynote, UT Austin, libflame): https://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/rvdg/ - Jeff Hammond (Intel, nwchem): https://jeffhammond.github.io/ - Mark Hoemmen (keynote, Sandia, Trilinos): https://plus.google.com/+MarkHoemmen - James Howison (UT Austin): http://james.howison.name/ - Fernando Perez (Berkeley, IPython): http://fperez.org/ - Cory Quammen (Kitware, Paraview/VTK): http://www.kitware.com/company/team/quammen.html - Ridgway Scott (UChicago, FEniCS): http://people.cs.uchicago.edu/~ridg/ - Roy Stogner (UT Austin, LibMesh): https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=XcurJI0AAAAJ In additional, we solicit poster submissions that share novel uses of scientific software. Please send an abstract of less than 250 words to ssd-organizers@googlegroups.com. Limited travel funding for students and early career researchers who present posters will be available. Early-bird registration fees (before Feb 10th): Students: $35 Everyone else: $50 Late registration fees (Feb 10th onwards): Students: $55 Everyone else: $70 More details, including how to register, will appear on the website in the coming weeks: http://scisoftdays.org/ Regards, S. Fomel (UTexas), T. Isaac (UChicago), M. Knepley (Rice), R. Kirby (Baylor), Y. Lai (UTexas), K. Long (Texas Tech), D. McDougall (UTexas), J. Stewart (Sandia)
participants (1)
Damon McDougall