Re: [Numpy-discussion] Volunteer sought for BLAS/LINPACK restructure

Hello, "Paul F. Dubois" <> writes:
I don't have much time to help out with the python interface, but I have some (mostly) machine-translated C/C++ header files for LAPACK that might be useful. These files could be SWIGged as a starting point for a python binding. Even better, the perl (*yuck*) script that does the translation could be modified to prototype input vs. output arrays differently (the script determines which arrays are input vs. output from the comment lines from the Fortran source). Then SWIG typemaps could be written that handle input/output correctly and much of the wrapping job would be automated. Of course all this won't help with row vs. column storage format. The header files and a translation script can be obtained from Unfortuantely I don't have the same thing for BLAS, mostly because the comments in the BLAS Fortran files are less careful and consistent, making machine interpretation more difficult. Please let me know if you find these headers useful. Yours, Michael -- Michael Haggerty
participants (1)
Michael Haggerty