Hi, What's up with the NumPy documentation? It seems not to be in the CVS tree. The old documentation is still pretty incomplete IMHO. For example, one of the most important routines "matrixmultiply" is not documented. And the description of "indices" makes your head explode... :-) Also lacking is a description (examples) of how to add Ufuncs in an extension module. Are there any plans of distributing the manual in an editable format (TeX, DocBook...) instead of PDF?? That would make it easier for people to contribute. Cheers, /Morten -- Morten Kjeldgaard <mok@imsb.au.dk> | Phone : +45 89 42 50 26 Institute of Molecular and Structural Biology | Fax : +45 86 12 31 78 Aarhus University | Home : +45 86 18 81 80 Gustav Wieds Vej 10 C, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark | icq : 27224900

Morten Kjeldgaard wrote:
And I offered myself to contribute some months ago but nobody answered. ... I felt so tiny... ... Nobody heard me... ... Oh, cruel world! ;^) Cheers! -- Pablo Bleyer Kocik | pbleyer |"Rintrah roars & shakes his fires in the burdend air; @embedded.cl | Hungry clouds swag on the deep" William Blake

The source for the document is on the ftp site. It is in Framemaker 5.5. If anyone wants to improve it they should simply grab it, let everyone know they have it for edit, and return it when done. I have no current plans to convert it to Latex. We had a long previous discussion on this topic. Another way to contribute is simply send me flat text to paste in for some certain topic.

Paul F. Dubois writes:
Note that for the moment, Frame is available at no cost for Linux: http://www.linuxplanet.com/linuxplanet/previews/1812/1/ Phil

Phil Austin wrote:
But that's a beta and surely Adobe will sell the final product. Not very free-software-friendly ;^) Does FM import SGML? Maybe we can contribute in SGML... though the MathML extensions aren't very standard yet. -- Pablo Bleyer Kocik | pbleyer |"Rintrah roars & shakes his fires in the burdend air; @embedded.cl | Hungry clouds swag on the deep" - William Blake

So, here is my attempt for an additional piece of NumPy documentation. This is not finished, but before it never gets out the door there is a little Zope magic, so others can give instant feedback to the level of each function. I want to make this as complete as possible in the sense of a function reference. This should not serve as an introduction to NumPy in general, so please have a look and give critiques. The zwiki will be up later this day or tomorrow, I want first to fill in some ideas and discussion topics. One problem is the authorship and license stuff, but I will put this into the zwiki. Have a look at http://lisboa.ifm.uni-kiel.de:80080/NumPy/index_html For corrections or additions there is a small button in the beginning of each function definition, which gives a form for notes. This system can be extended quite a bit, but my time is constraint at the moment. So this is my notice to the list, that I'm doing something :-) HTH, __Janko PS: Please do not yet link this, as this is all not tested. Thanks!

Janko Hauser wrote:
Really nice... and modern ;^)
I added an issue but the "Numeric" page it crashed... ===== Zope has encountered an error while publishing this resource. Error Type: TypeError Error Value: object can't be converted to int =====
So this is my notice to the list, that I'm doing something :-)
HTH, __Janko
-- Pablo Bleyer Kocik | pbleyer |"Rintrah roars & shakes his fires in the burdend air; @embedded.cl | Hungry clouds swag on the deep" William Blake

Morten Kjeldgaard wrote:
And I offered myself to contribute some months ago but nobody answered. ... I felt so tiny... ... Nobody heard me... ... Oh, cruel world! ;^) Cheers! -- Pablo Bleyer Kocik | pbleyer |"Rintrah roars & shakes his fires in the burdend air; @embedded.cl | Hungry clouds swag on the deep" William Blake

The source for the document is on the ftp site. It is in Framemaker 5.5. If anyone wants to improve it they should simply grab it, let everyone know they have it for edit, and return it when done. I have no current plans to convert it to Latex. We had a long previous discussion on this topic. Another way to contribute is simply send me flat text to paste in for some certain topic.

Paul F. Dubois writes:
Note that for the moment, Frame is available at no cost for Linux: http://www.linuxplanet.com/linuxplanet/previews/1812/1/ Phil

Phil Austin wrote:
But that's a beta and surely Adobe will sell the final product. Not very free-software-friendly ;^) Does FM import SGML? Maybe we can contribute in SGML... though the MathML extensions aren't very standard yet. -- Pablo Bleyer Kocik | pbleyer |"Rintrah roars & shakes his fires in the burdend air; @embedded.cl | Hungry clouds swag on the deep" - William Blake

So, here is my attempt for an additional piece of NumPy documentation. This is not finished, but before it never gets out the door there is a little Zope magic, so others can give instant feedback to the level of each function. I want to make this as complete as possible in the sense of a function reference. This should not serve as an introduction to NumPy in general, so please have a look and give critiques. The zwiki will be up later this day or tomorrow, I want first to fill in some ideas and discussion topics. One problem is the authorship and license stuff, but I will put this into the zwiki. Have a look at http://lisboa.ifm.uni-kiel.de:80080/NumPy/index_html For corrections or additions there is a small button in the beginning of each function definition, which gives a form for notes. This system can be extended quite a bit, but my time is constraint at the moment. So this is my notice to the list, that I'm doing something :-) HTH, __Janko PS: Please do not yet link this, as this is all not tested. Thanks!

Janko Hauser wrote:
Really nice... and modern ;^)
I added an issue but the "Numeric" page it crashed... ===== Zope has encountered an error while publishing this resource. Error Type: TypeError Error Value: object can't be converted to int =====
So this is my notice to the list, that I'm doing something :-)
HTH, __Janko
-- Pablo Bleyer Kocik | pbleyer |"Rintrah roars & shakes his fires in the burdend air; @embedded.cl | Hungry clouds swag on the deep" William Blake
participants (5)
Janko Hauser
Morten Kjeldgaard
Pablo Bleyer Kocik
Paul F. Dubois
Phil Austin