Re: [Numpy-discussion] [SciPy-Dev] Setting up a dev environment with conda

Hi Luke, For day-to-day development and testing of numpy, I don't bother with either inplace builds *or* installing it -- I just use the magical "" script that you'll find in the root of your git checkout. E.g., to build and then test the (possibly modified) source in your current checkout, just do: ./ That's all. This builds into a hidden directory and then sets up the correct PYTHONPATH before running the tests etc. -- you don't have to worry about any of it, it's magic. There are also lots of options, see ./ --help. Try adding -j for multi-core builds, or you can specify arbitrary options to pass to nose, or you can run it under gdb (there's an example in --help), or if you just want an interactive shell to futz around in manually instead of running the test suite then try passing --ipython. BTW, numpy has its own mailing list at (CC'ed), which is where numpy development discussions usually take place -- this list is more for scipy-the-package itself. There's lots of overlap in readership between the two lists, but numpy-discussion will probably give you quicker and more useful answers to questions like this in general :-) -n On Sat, Oct 17, 2015 at 4:03 PM, Luke Zoltan Kelley <> wrote:
-- Nathaniel J. Smith --
participants (1)
Nathaniel Smith