Hi, As I am sure you are aware, Python 3.11 <https://docs.python.org/3.11/whatsnew/3.11.html> will ship with support for variadic generics (PEP 646 <https://peps.python.org/pep-0646/>). According to the PEP documentation, it will allow tensor shape type hints like this: def to_gray(videos: Array[Time, Batch, Height, Width, Channels]): ... I was wondering when, or if, Numpy plans to support these sort of type annotations. I did find some older discussion on github <https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/16547> how you plan to annotate shape and dtypes of tensors, but I didn't manage to catch what is the current state of affairs concerning PEP 646. For me personally, these type hints would really be a productivity boost to help catch syntax errors early. And perhaps more importantly, shape annotations will be much more reliable documentation than putting everything in a docstring. I would love to hear Numpy's plans and considerations. Thanks so much, Hylke P.s., I asked this question earlier on Stack Overflow <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/73169372/support-for-tensor-type-hints-v...>, but I was suggested to take this question to this mailing list instead.
participants (1)
Hylke Donker