Why isn't indices([42]) (or foo.setshape([42]), for that matter) allowed? Overzealous type checking, or a necessity of the C code? -- Magnus Lie Hetland http://hetland.org
Magnus Lie Hetland wrote:
Why isn't indices([42]) (or foo.setshape([42]), for that matter) allowed? Overzealous type checking, or a necessity of the C code?
Neither. It looks like a limitation of the indices function. Inserting "shape = tuple(shape)" into indices() removed the limitation. Thanks, Todd
Todd Miller <jmiller@stsci.edu>:
Neither. It looks like a limitation of the indices function. Inserting "shape = tuple(shape)" into indices() removed the limitation.
Ah. But it's still impossible to use foo.setshape([bar]), then, I guess, even though it works with reshape()?
Thanks, Todd
-- Magnus Lie Hetland http://hetland.org
participants (2)
Magnus Lie Hetland
Todd Miller