Looking for a difference between Numpy 0.19.5 and 0.20 explaining a perf regression with Pythran

Hi, I'm looking for a difference between Numpy 0.19.5 and 0.20 which could explain a performance regression (~15 %) with Pythran. I observe this regression with the script https://github.com/paugier/nbabel/blob/master/py/bench.py Pythran reimplements Numpy so it is not about Numpy code for computation. However, Pythran of course uses the native array contained in a Numpy array. I'm quite sure that something has changed between Numpy 0.19.5 and 0.20 (or between the corresponding wheels?) since I don't get the same performance with Numpy 0.20. I checked that the values in the arrays are the same and that the flags characterizing the arrays are also the same. Good news, I'm now able to obtain the performance difference just with Numpy 0.19.5. In this code, I load the data with Pandas and need to prepare contiguous Numpy arrays to give them to Pythran. With Numpy 0.19.5, if I use np.copy I get better performance that with np.ascontiguousarray. With Numpy 0.20, both functions create array giving the same performance with Pythran (again, less good that with Numpy 0.19.5). Note that this code is very efficient (more that 100 times faster than using Numpy), so I guess that things like alignment or memory location can lead to such difference. More details in this issue https://github.com/serge-sans-paille/pythran/issues/1735 Any help to understand what has changed would be greatly appreciated! Cheers, Pierre

On Fri, 2021-03-12 at 21:36 +0100, PIERRE AUGIER wrote:
If you want to really dig into this, it would be good to do profiling to find out at where the differences are. Without that, I don't have much appetite to investigate personally. The reason is that fluctuations of ~30% (or even much more) when running the NumPy benchmarks are very common. I am not aware of an immediate change in NumPy, especially since you are talking pythran, and only the memory space or the interface code should matter. As to the interface code... I would expect it to be quite a bit faster, not slower. There was no change around data allocation, so at best what you are seeing is a different pattern in how the "small array cache" ends up being used. Unfortunately, getting stable benchmarks that reflect code changes exactly is tough... Here is a nice blog post from Victor Stinner where he had to go as far as using "profile guided compilation" to avoid fluctuations: https://vstinner.github.io/journey-to-stable-benchmark-deadcode.html I somewhat hope that this is also the reason for the huge fluctuations we see in the NumPy benchmarks due to absolutely unrelated code changes. But I did not have the energy to try it (and a probably fixed bug in gcc makes it a bit harder right now). Cheers, Sebastian

Hi, I tried to compile Numpy with `pip install numpy==1.20.1 --no-binary numpy --force-reinstall` and I can reproduce the regression. Good news, I was able to reproduce the difference with only Numpy 1.20.1. Arrays prepared with (`df` is a Pandas dataframe) arr = df.values.copy() or arr = np.ascontiguousarray(df.values) lead to "slow" execution while arrays prepared with arr = np.copy(df.values) lead to faster execution. arr.copy() or np.copy(arr) do not give the same result, with arr obtained from a Pandas dataframe with arr = df.values. It's strange because type(df.values) gives <class 'numpy.ndarray'> so I would expect arr.copy() and np.copy(arr) to give exactly the same result. Note that I think I'm doing quite serious and reproducible benchmarks. I also checked that this regression is reproducible on another computer. Cheers, Pierre ----- Mail original -----

On 2021/03/12 1:33 PM, PIERRE AUGIER wrote:
arr.copy() or np.copy(arr) do not give the same result, with arr obtained from a Pandas dataframe with arr = df.values. It's strange because type(df.values) gives <class 'numpy.ndarray'> so I would expect arr.copy() and np.copy(arr) to give exactly the same result.
According to the docstrings for numpy.copy and arr.copy, the function and the method have different defaults for the memory layout. np.copy() tries to maintain the order of the original while arr.copy() defaults to C order. Eric

On Sat, 2021-03-13 at 00:33 +0100, PIERRE AUGIER wrote:
The only thing that can change would be the arrays flags and `arr.strides`, but they should not have cahnged. And there is no change in NumPy that I can even remotely think of. Array data is just allocated with `malloc`. That is: as I understand it, you are *not* timing `np.copy` or `np.ascontiguouscopy` itself, but just operating on the array returned. NumPy only ever uses `malloc` for allocating array content.
I absolutely trust the benchmark results. I was hoping you might also be running a profiler (as in analyze the running program) to find out where the difference originate on the C side. That would allow to say with certainty either what changed or that there was no actual related code change. E.g. I have seen huge speed differences in the same `memcpy` or similar calls, due to whatever reasons (maybe due to compiler changes, or due to address space changes... or maybe the former causing the latter, I don't know.). Cheers, Sebastian

Ideally float64 uses 64 bits for each number while float16 uses 16 bits. 64/16=4. However, there is some additional overhead. This overhead makes up a large portion of small arrays, but becomes negligible as the array gets bigger. On Sat, Mar 13, 2021, 16:01 <klark--kent@yandex.ru> wrote:

No, because the array of 100 elements will only have the overhead once, while the 100 arrays will each have the overhead repeated. Think about the overhead like a book cover on a book. It takes additional space, but provides storage for the book, information to help you find it, etc. Each book only needs one cover. So a single 100 page book only needs one cover, while a hundred 1 page books needs 100 covers. Also, as the book gets more pages the cover takes a smaller portion of the total size of the book. On Sat, Mar 13, 2021, 16:17 <klark--kent@yandex.ru> wrote:

On Sat, Mar 13, 2021 at 4:02 PM <klark--kent@yandex.ru> wrote:
Note that `sys.getsizeof()` is returning the size of the given Python object in bytes. `np.float16(1)` and `np.float64(1)` are so-called "numpy scalar objects" that wrap up the raw `float16` (2 bytes) and `float64` (8 bytes) values with the necessary information to make them Python objects. The extra 24 bytes for each is _not_ present for each value when you have `float16` and `float64` arrays of larger lengths. There is still some overhead to make the array of numbers into a Python object, but this does not increase with the number of array elements. This is what you are seeing below when you compute the sizes of the Python objects that are the arrays. The fixed overhead does not increase when you increase the sizes of the arrays. They eventually approach the ideal ratio of 4: `float64` values take up 4 times as many bytes as `float16` values, as the names suggest. The ratio of 1.23 that you get from comparing the scalar objects reflects that the overhead for making a single value into a Python object takes up significantly more memory than the actual single number itself. -- Robert Kern

Hi Pierre, If you’re able to compile NumPy locally and you have reliable benchmarks, you can write a script that tests the runtime of your benchmark and reports it as a test pass/fail. You can then use “git bisect run” to automatically find the commit that caused the issue. That will help narrow down the discussion before it gets completely derailed a second time. 😂 https://lwn.net/Articles/317154/ Juan.

On Sun, 2021-03-14 at 17:15 +1100, Juan Nunez-Iglesias wrote:
Let me share this partial benchmark result for branch I just worked on in NumPy: before after ratio [c5de5b5c] [2d9e11ea] <main> <splitup-faster-argparsing> + 2.12±0.01μs 3.69±0.02μs 1.74 bench_io.Copy.time_cont_assign('float32') + 22.6±0.08μs 36.0±0.2μs 1.59 bench_io.CopyTo.time_copyto_sparse + 49.4±0.8μs 55.2±0.1μs 1.12 bench_io.CopyTo.time_copyto_8_sparse - 7.40±0.06μs 4.11±0.01μs 0.56 bench_io.CopyTo.time_copyto_dense - 6.99±0.05μs 3.77±0μs 0.54 bench_io.Copy.time_cont_assign('float64') - 6.94±0.02μs 3.73±0.01μs 0.54 bench_io.Copy.time_cont_assign('complex64') That looks weird! The benchmark sometimes speeds up by a factor of almost 2, and sometimes the (de-facto) same code slows down by just as much? (Focus on the `time_cont_assign` with float64 vs. float32). Even better: I know 100% that no related code is touched! The core of that benchmark is just: arrya[...] = 1 and I did not even come close to any code related to that operation. I have, as I did before, tried quite a few things (not as much as in Victor Stinner's blog when it comes to compiler flags). Such as enabling/disabling huge-pages, disabling address-space- randomization (and disabling the NumPy small-array cache). Note that the results are *stable*, as in: On this branch, I get extremely reliable results for the benchmark [1]! As you noticed, I have also seen these (or similar) changes "toggle" e.g. when copying the array multiple times. And I have dug down into profiling one instance on the instruction level with `perf` so I know for a fact that it is memory access speed. (Which is a no-brainer here, the operations are obviously memory or even cache speed bound.) The point I was hoping to make is: Its complicated, and I am not holding my breath that you can find an answer without digging much deeper. The blog post from Victor Stinner gave me the thought that profile- guided-optimization *might* be a way to avoid some random fluctuations, but I have not checked that the inner-loop for the code actually compiles to different byte-code. I would hope that someone comes along and "just knows" what is going on. But, I don't know where to ask or what to google for. My best bets right now (they may be terrible!) are: * Profiler guided optimization might help (as in stabilize compiler output due to *random* changes in code). Which probably is involved in some way or another. But Victor Stinner's timed Python and that may not have any massively memory bound operations (which are the "big" things here). * Maybe try to make the NumPy allocator align all its allocation to much larger boundaries, such as the CPU cache-line size. But I think I tried to check whether alignment seems to matter, and it didn't. Also, the arrays feel large enough that it shouldn't matter? * CPU caching L1/L2 uses a lot of fancy heuristics these days. Maybe to really understand whats going on, you would have to drill into what the CPU caches are doing here? The only thing I do know for sure currently, is that it is a rabbit hole that I would love to understand, but don't really want to spend days just to get nowhere. Cheers, Sebastian [1] That run above is without address space randomization, it feels even more stable than the others. But that doesn't matter, since we average in any case, so ASR is probably useless and maybe even detrimental.

----- Mail original -----
Thanks a lot for this advice Juan! I wasn't able to use Git but with `hg bisect` I managed to find that the first "bad" commit is https://github.com/numpy/numpy/commit/4cd6e4b336fbc68d88c0e9bc45a435ce7b721f... ENH: implement NEP-35's `like=` argument (gh-16935)
From the point of view of my benchmark, this commit changes the behavior of arr.copy() (the resulting arrays do not give to the same performance). This makes sense because it is indeed about the array creation.
I haven't yet studied in details this commit (which is quite big and not simple) and I'm not sure I'm going to be able to understand it and in particular understand why it leads to such performance regression! Cheers, Pierre

Hi Pierre, Thanks for pinging me. To put it in the simplest way possible, that PR adds a new `like` kwarg that will dispatch to downstream libraries using `__array_function__` when specified, otherwise fallback to the default behavior of NumPy. While that introduces an extra check on the C side, that should have minimal impact for use cases that don't use the `like` kwarg. Is there a simple reproducer with NumPy only? I assume your case with Pandas is much more complex (unfortunately I'm not very experienced with DataFrames), but curiously I see NumPy 1.20.1 being considerably faster for small arrays and mildly-faster with large arrays (results in https://gist.github.com/pentschev/add38b5aee61da87b4b70a1c4649861f) . Best, Peter On Mon, Mar 15, 2021 at 12:29 PM PIERRE AUGIER <pierre.augier@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr> wrote:

On Mon, 2021-03-15 at 14:59 +0100, Peter Andreas Entschev wrote:
1.20.1 should have some small overhead reductions there since array the array-object life-cycle is probably around 30% faster (deleting an array is faster). But the array-object life-cycle is pretty insignificant aside from creating views. There are also many performance improvements around SIMD, which will affect certain math operations. The changes on that PR may add additional overhead to array creation (something that should go away again in 1.21 and end up being much faster when https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/15270 goes in). But that is all. As much as I would love to have an answer, looking for changes in the NumPy code seems to me unlikely to get you anywhere. Another example, check out this benchmark from the NumPy benchmarks: https://pv.github.io/numpy-bench/index.html#bench_reduce.AddReduceSeparate.time_reduce?cpu=Intel(R)%20Core(TM)%20i7%20CPU%20920%20%40%202.67GHz&machine=i7&os=Linux&ram=16416652&Cython=0.29.21&p-axis=1&p-type='int16'&p-type='int32' It keeps jumping back and forth around 30% for the 'int16' version, but the 'int32' one is pretty much stable, so its unlikely to be just bad benchmarking. Right now, I am willing to get that if you repeat that whole thing with a different commit range, you will find another random bad commit. Cheers, Sebastian

On Fri, 2021-03-12 at 21:36 +0100, PIERRE AUGIER wrote:
If you want to really dig into this, it would be good to do profiling to find out at where the differences are. Without that, I don't have much appetite to investigate personally. The reason is that fluctuations of ~30% (or even much more) when running the NumPy benchmarks are very common. I am not aware of an immediate change in NumPy, especially since you are talking pythran, and only the memory space or the interface code should matter. As to the interface code... I would expect it to be quite a bit faster, not slower. There was no change around data allocation, so at best what you are seeing is a different pattern in how the "small array cache" ends up being used. Unfortunately, getting stable benchmarks that reflect code changes exactly is tough... Here is a nice blog post from Victor Stinner where he had to go as far as using "profile guided compilation" to avoid fluctuations: https://vstinner.github.io/journey-to-stable-benchmark-deadcode.html I somewhat hope that this is also the reason for the huge fluctuations we see in the NumPy benchmarks due to absolutely unrelated code changes. But I did not have the energy to try it (and a probably fixed bug in gcc makes it a bit harder right now). Cheers, Sebastian

Hi, I tried to compile Numpy with `pip install numpy==1.20.1 --no-binary numpy --force-reinstall` and I can reproduce the regression. Good news, I was able to reproduce the difference with only Numpy 1.20.1. Arrays prepared with (`df` is a Pandas dataframe) arr = df.values.copy() or arr = np.ascontiguousarray(df.values) lead to "slow" execution while arrays prepared with arr = np.copy(df.values) lead to faster execution. arr.copy() or np.copy(arr) do not give the same result, with arr obtained from a Pandas dataframe with arr = df.values. It's strange because type(df.values) gives <class 'numpy.ndarray'> so I would expect arr.copy() and np.copy(arr) to give exactly the same result. Note that I think I'm doing quite serious and reproducible benchmarks. I also checked that this regression is reproducible on another computer. Cheers, Pierre ----- Mail original -----

On 2021/03/12 1:33 PM, PIERRE AUGIER wrote:
arr.copy() or np.copy(arr) do not give the same result, with arr obtained from a Pandas dataframe with arr = df.values. It's strange because type(df.values) gives <class 'numpy.ndarray'> so I would expect arr.copy() and np.copy(arr) to give exactly the same result.
According to the docstrings for numpy.copy and arr.copy, the function and the method have different defaults for the memory layout. np.copy() tries to maintain the order of the original while arr.copy() defaults to C order. Eric

On Sat, 2021-03-13 at 00:33 +0100, PIERRE AUGIER wrote:
The only thing that can change would be the arrays flags and `arr.strides`, but they should not have cahnged. And there is no change in NumPy that I can even remotely think of. Array data is just allocated with `malloc`. That is: as I understand it, you are *not* timing `np.copy` or `np.ascontiguouscopy` itself, but just operating on the array returned. NumPy only ever uses `malloc` for allocating array content.
I absolutely trust the benchmark results. I was hoping you might also be running a profiler (as in analyze the running program) to find out where the difference originate on the C side. That would allow to say with certainty either what changed or that there was no actual related code change. E.g. I have seen huge speed differences in the same `memcpy` or similar calls, due to whatever reasons (maybe due to compiler changes, or due to address space changes... or maybe the former causing the latter, I don't know.). Cheers, Sebastian

Ideally float64 uses 64 bits for each number while float16 uses 16 bits. 64/16=4. However, there is some additional overhead. This overhead makes up a large portion of small arrays, but becomes negligible as the array gets bigger. On Sat, Mar 13, 2021, 16:01 <klark--kent@yandex.ru> wrote:

No, because the array of 100 elements will only have the overhead once, while the 100 arrays will each have the overhead repeated. Think about the overhead like a book cover on a book. It takes additional space, but provides storage for the book, information to help you find it, etc. Each book only needs one cover. So a single 100 page book only needs one cover, while a hundred 1 page books needs 100 covers. Also, as the book gets more pages the cover takes a smaller portion of the total size of the book. On Sat, Mar 13, 2021, 16:17 <klark--kent@yandex.ru> wrote:

On Sat, Mar 13, 2021 at 4:02 PM <klark--kent@yandex.ru> wrote:
Note that `sys.getsizeof()` is returning the size of the given Python object in bytes. `np.float16(1)` and `np.float64(1)` are so-called "numpy scalar objects" that wrap up the raw `float16` (2 bytes) and `float64` (8 bytes) values with the necessary information to make them Python objects. The extra 24 bytes for each is _not_ present for each value when you have `float16` and `float64` arrays of larger lengths. There is still some overhead to make the array of numbers into a Python object, but this does not increase with the number of array elements. This is what you are seeing below when you compute the sizes of the Python objects that are the arrays. The fixed overhead does not increase when you increase the sizes of the arrays. They eventually approach the ideal ratio of 4: `float64` values take up 4 times as many bytes as `float16` values, as the names suggest. The ratio of 1.23 that you get from comparing the scalar objects reflects that the overhead for making a single value into a Python object takes up significantly more memory than the actual single number itself. -- Robert Kern

Hi Pierre, If you’re able to compile NumPy locally and you have reliable benchmarks, you can write a script that tests the runtime of your benchmark and reports it as a test pass/fail. You can then use “git bisect run” to automatically find the commit that caused the issue. That will help narrow down the discussion before it gets completely derailed a second time. 😂 https://lwn.net/Articles/317154/ Juan.

On Sun, 2021-03-14 at 17:15 +1100, Juan Nunez-Iglesias wrote:
Let me share this partial benchmark result for branch I just worked on in NumPy: before after ratio [c5de5b5c] [2d9e11ea] <main> <splitup-faster-argparsing> + 2.12±0.01μs 3.69±0.02μs 1.74 bench_io.Copy.time_cont_assign('float32') + 22.6±0.08μs 36.0±0.2μs 1.59 bench_io.CopyTo.time_copyto_sparse + 49.4±0.8μs 55.2±0.1μs 1.12 bench_io.CopyTo.time_copyto_8_sparse - 7.40±0.06μs 4.11±0.01μs 0.56 bench_io.CopyTo.time_copyto_dense - 6.99±0.05μs 3.77±0μs 0.54 bench_io.Copy.time_cont_assign('float64') - 6.94±0.02μs 3.73±0.01μs 0.54 bench_io.Copy.time_cont_assign('complex64') That looks weird! The benchmark sometimes speeds up by a factor of almost 2, and sometimes the (de-facto) same code slows down by just as much? (Focus on the `time_cont_assign` with float64 vs. float32). Even better: I know 100% that no related code is touched! The core of that benchmark is just: arrya[...] = 1 and I did not even come close to any code related to that operation. I have, as I did before, tried quite a few things (not as much as in Victor Stinner's blog when it comes to compiler flags). Such as enabling/disabling huge-pages, disabling address-space- randomization (and disabling the NumPy small-array cache). Note that the results are *stable*, as in: On this branch, I get extremely reliable results for the benchmark [1]! As you noticed, I have also seen these (or similar) changes "toggle" e.g. when copying the array multiple times. And I have dug down into profiling one instance on the instruction level with `perf` so I know for a fact that it is memory access speed. (Which is a no-brainer here, the operations are obviously memory or even cache speed bound.) The point I was hoping to make is: Its complicated, and I am not holding my breath that you can find an answer without digging much deeper. The blog post from Victor Stinner gave me the thought that profile- guided-optimization *might* be a way to avoid some random fluctuations, but I have not checked that the inner-loop for the code actually compiles to different byte-code. I would hope that someone comes along and "just knows" what is going on. But, I don't know where to ask or what to google for. My best bets right now (they may be terrible!) are: * Profiler guided optimization might help (as in stabilize compiler output due to *random* changes in code). Which probably is involved in some way or another. But Victor Stinner's timed Python and that may not have any massively memory bound operations (which are the "big" things here). * Maybe try to make the NumPy allocator align all its allocation to much larger boundaries, such as the CPU cache-line size. But I think I tried to check whether alignment seems to matter, and it didn't. Also, the arrays feel large enough that it shouldn't matter? * CPU caching L1/L2 uses a lot of fancy heuristics these days. Maybe to really understand whats going on, you would have to drill into what the CPU caches are doing here? The only thing I do know for sure currently, is that it is a rabbit hole that I would love to understand, but don't really want to spend days just to get nowhere. Cheers, Sebastian [1] That run above is without address space randomization, it feels even more stable than the others. But that doesn't matter, since we average in any case, so ASR is probably useless and maybe even detrimental.

----- Mail original -----
Thanks a lot for this advice Juan! I wasn't able to use Git but with `hg bisect` I managed to find that the first "bad" commit is https://github.com/numpy/numpy/commit/4cd6e4b336fbc68d88c0e9bc45a435ce7b721f... ENH: implement NEP-35's `like=` argument (gh-16935)
From the point of view of my benchmark, this commit changes the behavior of arr.copy() (the resulting arrays do not give to the same performance). This makes sense because it is indeed about the array creation.
I haven't yet studied in details this commit (which is quite big and not simple) and I'm not sure I'm going to be able to understand it and in particular understand why it leads to such performance regression! Cheers, Pierre

Hi Pierre, Thanks for pinging me. To put it in the simplest way possible, that PR adds a new `like` kwarg that will dispatch to downstream libraries using `__array_function__` when specified, otherwise fallback to the default behavior of NumPy. While that introduces an extra check on the C side, that should have minimal impact for use cases that don't use the `like` kwarg. Is there a simple reproducer with NumPy only? I assume your case with Pandas is much more complex (unfortunately I'm not very experienced with DataFrames), but curiously I see NumPy 1.20.1 being considerably faster for small arrays and mildly-faster with large arrays (results in https://gist.github.com/pentschev/add38b5aee61da87b4b70a1c4649861f) . Best, Peter On Mon, Mar 15, 2021 at 12:29 PM PIERRE AUGIER <pierre.augier@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr> wrote:

On Mon, 2021-03-15 at 14:59 +0100, Peter Andreas Entschev wrote:
1.20.1 should have some small overhead reductions there since array the array-object life-cycle is probably around 30% faster (deleting an array is faster). But the array-object life-cycle is pretty insignificant aside from creating views. There are also many performance improvements around SIMD, which will affect certain math operations. The changes on that PR may add additional overhead to array creation (something that should go away again in 1.21 and end up being much faster when https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/15270 goes in). But that is all. As much as I would love to have an answer, looking for changes in the NumPy code seems to me unlikely to get you anywhere. Another example, check out this benchmark from the NumPy benchmarks: https://pv.github.io/numpy-bench/index.html#bench_reduce.AddReduceSeparate.time_reduce?cpu=Intel(R)%20Core(TM)%20i7%20CPU%20920%20%40%202.67GHz&machine=i7&os=Linux&ram=16416652&Cython=0.29.21&p-axis=1&p-type='int16'&p-type='int32' It keeps jumping back and forth around 30% for the 'int16' version, but the 'int32' one is pretty much stable, so its unlikely to be just bad benchmarking. Right now, I am willing to get that if you repeat that whole thing with a different commit range, you will find another random bad commit. Cheers, Sebastian
participants (8)
Eric Firing
Juan Nunez-Iglesias
Peter Andreas Entschev
Robert Kern
Sebastian Berg