math range error with Masked Array

I'm trying to use the MA package for numeric computations. Unfortunately, attempting to construct a masked array sometimes fails: masked_values(values, missingValue,savespace=1) File "/usr/lib/python2.1/site-packages/MA/", line 1299, in masked_values m = Numeric.less_equal(abs(d-value), atol+rtol*abs(value)) OverflowError: math range error The odd thing is that the floating point calculations that produced the input Numeric array didn't cause a math range error, but MA's attempt to find the 'missing' values does cause a range error. When I switched to Python2.1, I had to find and fix several overflow problems that didn't cause exceptions under Python1.5. For example, I had to use a "protected" exponentation routine to avoid overflow errors: MIN_EXP = -745 MAX_EXP = 709 def ProtExp(a): """ Protected Exponentiation calculation. Avoid Overflow error on large negative or positive arguments """ min_a = choose(less(a, MIN_EXP), (a, MIN_EXP)) return exp(choose(greater(min_a, MAX_EXP), (min_a, MAX_EXP)) ) ------------------- I'm concerned that the math exception handling for Python2.1 under x86 Linux makes it hard to get my work done. Any ideas on how to fix this error in MA? (I already tried masked_values(values, missingValue, rtol=1e-2,atol=1.e-4, savespace=1), which didn't help.) -- Joe VanAndel National Center for Atmospheric Research Internet:
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Joe Van Andel