Hi All, On behalf of the NumPy team I am pleased to announce that NumPy 1.19.0 has been released. This NumPy release supports Python 3.6-3.8 and is marked by the removal of much technical debt: support for Python 2 has been removed, many deprecations have been expired, and documentation has been improved. The polishing of the random module continues apace with bug fixes and better usability from Cython. Perhaps the most interesting thing for users will be the availability of wheels for aarch64 and PyPY. Downstream developers should use Cython >= 0.29.16 for Python 3.8 support and OpenBLAS >= 3.7 to avoid wrong results on the Skylake architecture. The NumPy Wheels for this release can be downloaded from PyPI <https://pypi.org/project/numpy/1.19.0/>, source archives, release notes, and wheel hashes are available from Github <https://github.com/numpy/numpy/releases/tag/v1.19.0>. Linux users will need pip >= 0.19.3 in order to install manylinux2010 and manylinux2014 wheels. *Contributors* A total of 126 people contributed to this release. People with a "+" by their names contributed a patch for the first time. - Alex Henrie - Alexandre de Siqueira + - Andras Deak - Andrea Sangalli + - Andreas Klöckner + - Andrei Shirobokov + - Anirudh Subramanian + - Anne Bonner - Anton Ritter-Gogerly + - Benjamin Trendelkamp-Schroer + - Bharat Raghunathan - Brandt Bucher + - Brian Wignall - Bui Duc Minh + - Changqing Li + - Charles Harris - Chris Barker - Chris Holland + - Christian Kastner + - Chunlin + - Chunlin Fang + - Damien Caliste + - Dan Allan - Daniel Hrisca - Daniel Povey + - Dustan Levenstein + - Emmanuelle Gouillart + - Eric Larson - Eric M. Bray - Eric Mariasis + - Eric Wieser - Erik Welch + - Fabio Zeiser + - Gabriel Gerlero + - Ganesh Kathiresan + - Gengxin Xie + - Guilherme Leobas - Guillaume Peillex + - Hameer Abbasi - Hao Jin + - Harshal Prakash Patankar + - Heshy Roskes + - Himanshu Garg + - Huon Wilson + - John Han + - John Kirkham - Jon Dufresne - Jon Morris + - Josh Wilson - Justus Magin - Kai Striega - Kerem Hallaç + - Kevin Sheppard - Kirill Zinovjev + - Marcin Podhajski + - Mark Harfouche - Marten van Kerkwijk - Martin Michlmayr + - Masashi Kishimoto + - Mathieu Lamarre - Matt Hancock + - MatteoRaso + - Matthew Harrigan - Matthias Bussonnier - Matti Picus - Max Balandat + - Maximilian Konrad + - Maxwell Aladago - Maxwell Bileschi + - Melissa Weber Mendonça + - Michael Felt - Michael Hirsch + - Mike Taves - Nico Schlömer - Pan Jan + - Paul Rougieux + - Pauli Virtanen - Peter Andreas Entschev - Petre-Flaviu Gostin + - Pierre de Buyl - Piotr Gaiński + - Przemyslaw Bartosik + - Raghuveer Devulapalli - Rakesh Vasudevan + - Ralf Gommers - RenaRuirui + - Robert Kern - Roman Yurchak - Ross Barnowski + - Ryan + - Ryan Soklaski - Sanjeev Kumar + - SanthoshBala18 + - Sayed Adel + - Sebastian Berg - Seth Troisi - Sha Liu + - Siba Smarak Panigrahi + - Simon Gasse + - Stephan Hoyer - Steve Dower + - Thomas A Caswell - Till Hoffmann + - Tim Hoffmann - Tina Oberoi + - Tirth Patel - Tyler Reddy - Warren Weckesser - Wojciech Rzadkowski + - Xavier Thomas + - Yilin LI + - Zac Hatfield-Dodds + - Zé Vinícius + - @Adam + - @Anthony + - @Jim + - @bartosz-grabowski + - @dojafrat + - @gamboon + - @jfbu + - @keremh + - @mayeut + - @ndunnewind + - @nglinh + - @shreepads + - @sslivkoff + Cheers, Charles Harris
participants (1)
Charles R Harris