NetworkX 2.3rc3 released (Python 3 only)

I am happy to announce the third **release candidate** for NetworkX 2.3! NetworkX is a Python package for the creation, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics, and functions of complex networks. This release supports Python 3.5-3.7 (i.e., this is our first **Python 3 only** release). Please try out the pre-release and let us know about any problems you find. If no major issues arise, we will release 2.3 final next week. Please see the draft of the 2.3 release announcement: Since this is a pre-release, pip won't automatically install it. So $ pip install networkx still installs networkx-2.2. But $ pip install --pre networkx will install networkx-2.3rc3. If you already have networkx installed then you need to do $ pip install --pre --upgrade networkx For more information, please visit our `website <>`_ and our `gallery of examples <>`_. Please send comments and questions to the `networkx-discuss mailing list <>`_. Best regards, Jarrod
participants (1)
Jarrod Millman