How to get numpy.distutils.fcompiler to find my absoft compiler
Hello everyone, I'm trying to wrap some Fortran77 subroutines from the Math77 library using f2py3. f2py3 responds with a message: File "/Users/user/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/numpy/distutils/fcompiler/", line 426, in get_version raise CompilerNotFound() numpy.distutils.fcompiler.CompilerNotFound I'm running Python ver. 3.9.17 under the Anaconda distribution (anaconda Command line client (version 1.12.0)) on a Mac Pro (2019) under Mac OS X Ventura ver. 13.4.1. The Fortran compiler is Absoft Pro Fortran ver. 22.0. The set of subroutines to be wrapped were concatenated into a single file named divapy.f. The command used to wrap the routines was --fcompiler=absoft --f77exec=/Applications/Absoft22.0/bin/f77 -c -m diva divapy.f I've attached a file containing the complete set of messages output by f2py3 using the command above. Any suggestions as to how to fix this problem? Sam Dupree.
participants (1)
Samuel Dupree