Tentative fix for Numtut's view.py
Hi all,
in the scipy mailing list there were some discussions about view.py as included in NumTut. It seems that many folks (including myself) have had problems with it, and they seem to be threading-related. The symptom is that once view is imported, the interactive interpreter essentially locks up, and typing becomes nearly impossible. I know next to nothing about threading, but in an attempt to fix the problem I stripped view.py bare of everything I didn't understand, until it worked :) Basically I removed all PIL and threading-related code, and left only the bare Tk code in place. Naive as this approach was, it seems to have worked. Some folks reported success, and David Ascher (the original author of view.py) suggested I submit this to the Numpy team as an update to the tutorial. There's a good chance the current view is just broken and nobody has bothered to use it in a long time. I'm attaching the new view here as a file, but if there is a different protocol I should follow, please let me know (patch, etc). As I said, this was the most simple-minded thing I could do to make it work. So if you are interested in accepting this, it might be wise to have a look at it first. On the upside, pretty much all I did was to _remove_ code, not to add anything. So the analysis should be easy (the new code is far simpler and shorter than the original). I've tested it personally under python 2.2.1 (the stock Redhat 8.0 install). Best, Fernando Perez. """ Displaying image files in a separate thread on Tk+thread, w/ xv in forked & execv'ed processes otherwise. view(array): will spawn a displaying program for arrays which are either NxM or NxMx3. does the 'min/max' and conversion to char. array2ppm(array): given an NxM or NxMx3 array, returns a ppm string which is a valid thing to put in a PPM file. (or PGM file if NxM file). TODO: - automatic scaling for small images - accept rank-1 arrays NOTE: This is a modified version which removes all threading and PIL support. It should work on any system with Tkinter alone. """ DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 255 MINSIZE = 150 import os import Tkinter from Numeric import * import tempfile, time def save_ppm(ppm, fname=None): if fname == None: fname = tempfile.mktemp('.ppm') f = open(fname, 'wb') f.write(ppm) f.close() return fname def array2ppm(image): # scaling if len(image.shape) == 2: # B&W: image = transpose(image) return "P5\n#PPM version of array\n%d %d\n255\n%s" % \ (image.shape[1], image.shape[0], ravel(image).tostring()) else: # color image = transpose(image, (1, 0, 2)) return "P6\n%d %d\n255\n%s" % \ (image.shape[1], image.shape[0], ravel(image).tostring()) def preprocess(image, (scalex,scaley)): assert len(image.shape) in (1, 2) or \ len(image.shape) == 3 and image.shape[2] == 3, \ "image not correct format" themin = float(minimum.reduce(ravel(image))) themax = float(maximum.reduce(ravel(image))) if len(image.shape) == 1: len_x = image.shape[0] ys = ((image - themin)/(themax-themin)*(DEFAULT_HEIGHT-1)).astype('b') image = (zeros((DEFAULT_HEIGHT, len_x))+255).astype('b') for x in range(len_x): image[DEFAULT_HEIGHT-1-ys[x],len_x-x-1] = 0 image = transpose(image) elif image.typecode() != 'b': image = (image - themin) / (themax-themin) * 255 image = image.astype('b') len_x, len_y = image.shape[:2] if scalex is None: if len_x < MINSIZE: scalex = int(float(MINSIZE) / len_x) + 1 else: scalex = 1 if scaley is None: if len_y < MINSIZE: scaley = int(float(MINSIZE) / len_y) + 1 else: scaley = 1 return image, (scalex, scaley) class PPMImage(Tkinter.Label): def __init__(self, master, ppm, (scalex, scaley)): self.image = Tkinter.PhotoImage(file=save_ppm(ppm)) w, h = self.image.width(), self.image.height() self.image = self.image.zoom(scalex, scaley) self.image.configure(width=w*scalex, height=h*scaley) Tkinter.Label.__init__(self, master, image=self.image, bg="black", bd=0) self.pack() # Start the Tk process from which all subsequent windows will be opened. def tk_root(): if Tkinter._default_root is None: root = Tkinter.Tk() Tkinter._default_root.withdraw() else: root = Tkinter._default_root return root _root = tk_root() def view(image, scale=None): """Display an image, optionally rescaling it. scale can be either an integer or a tuple of 2 integers (for separate x/y rescaling. """ if scale is None: scale=(None,None) else: try: len(scale) except TypeError: scale = (scale,scale) image, scales = preprocess(image, scale) tl = Tkinter.Toplevel() u = PPMImage(tl, array2ppm(image), scales) u.pack(fill='both', expand=1) u.tkraise()
participants (1)
Fernando Perez