ANN: SciPy 2006 Conference Reminder

The *SciPy 2006 Conference* is scheduled for Thursday and Friday, August 17-18, 2006 at CalTech with Sprints and Tutorials Monday-Wednesday, August 14-16. Conference details are at The deadlines for submitting abstracts and early registration are approaching... Call for Presenters ------------------- If you are interested in presenting at the conference, you may submit an abstract in Plain Text, PDF or MS Word formats to abstracts at <> -- the deadline for abstract submission is July 7, 2006. Papers and/or presentation slides are acceptable and are due by August 4, 2006. Registration: ------------- Early registration ($100.00) is still available through July 14. You may register online at Registration includes breakfast and lunch Thursday & Friday and a very nice dinner Thursday night. After July 14, 2006, registration will cost $150.00. Tutorials and Sprints --------------------- This year the Sprints (Monday and Tuesday, August 14-15) and Tutorials (Wednesday, August 16) are no additional charge (you're on your own for food on those days, though). Remember to include these days in your travel plans. The following topics are presented as Tutorials Wednesday (more info here: - "3D visualization in Python using tvtk and MayaVi" - "Scientific Data Analysis and Visualization using IPython and Matplotlib." - "Building Scientific Applications using the Enthought Tool Suite (Envisage, Traits, Chaco, etc.)" - "NumPy (migration from Numarray & Numeric, overview of NumPy)" The Sprint topics are under discussion here: See you in August! Travis
participants (1)
Travis N. Vaught