ANN: Mahotas 0.6.4

Hello all, I'm happy to announce a new release of mahotas, my computer vision library for Python. WHAT'S MAHOTAS -------------- Mahotas is a library which includes several image processing algorithm. It works over numpy arrays. All its computation heavy functions are implemented in C++ (using templates so that they work for every data type without conversions). The result is a fast, optimised image processing and computer vision library. It is under heavy development and has no known bugs. Reported bugs almost always get fixed in a day. WHAT'S NEW ---------- Major change is that Mac OS compilation now works! Thanks to K-Michael Aye for the patch that saved the day. Minor changes include fixes to ``cwatershed`` and adding the tests to the source distribution (use `python test` to run them). Some of these. INFO ---- *API Docs*: *Mailing List*: Use the pythonvision mailing list for questions, bug submissions, etc. *Author*: Luis Pedro Coelho (with code by Zachary Pincus [from scikits.image], Peter J. Verveer [from scipy.ndimage], and Davis King [from dlib] *License*: GPLv2 Thank you, -- Luis Pedro Coelho | Carnegie Mellon University |
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Luis Pedro Coelho