Hi, In our company we had the need for an extension of RecArray objects so that they would be able to keep nested fields (that is, fields that can have other subfields). The outcome was a module that is intended to do that. We have tested it quite extensively and we think it is quite free of bugs. The conversation with Les has reminded me about it, and thought that it would interesting for the numarray community. I'm attaching a tarball with the next files: - -- Where the NestedRecArray lives - -- A suite of iterator utilities for - nestedrecords.txt -- Documentation in restructured text The nestedrecords module is mainly a job of Vicent Mas ( and is offered with a BSD license. Of course, we would be glad if this stuff ends in numarray sometime :-) --
0,0< Francesc Altet V V Cárabos Coop. V. Enjoy Data "-"
Ops, forgot to include the test units in the tarball. Hopefully they are there now. --
0,0< Francesc Altet V V Cárabos Coop. V. Enjoy Data "-"
participants (1)
Francesc Altet