scipy.base (Numeric3) ready for extension modules to test
scipy.base is in a beta-quality state right now. The Packages are not ported, but the basic object works as far as I can tell. If you have extension modules that you would like to try and compile with the new system, I would appreciate the feedback. Note, this is for Numeric users only. The C-API follows the Numeric convention. There is a COMPATIBILITY file that lists a few of the changes (there are actually very few...), that may need to be made. Only if you used descr->zero, descr->one, or explicit typecode strings in your c-code should you need to make any changes. There are changes you may wish to make to improve your code to take advantage of the extended C-API, but you shouldn't have to, except in a couple of cases. You can check the code base out of anonymous CVS (wait a day) and try it.... -Travis O.
participants (1)
Travis Oliphant